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What to buy silver or gold?


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I read the first article and would really, really, like to believe silver is due a massive correction in price and that the current low price is bank manipulated.
Question remains  -  when will the SHTF and silver climb to the predicted levels in the article ?
Will this be in the next 5, 10 or 100 years from now ?

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Pete, I am in the same boat as you are ... and everybody else in this forum. We believe in silver and save silver.

My honest opinion is that it will happen within 1.5 - 2 years and it will happen "thanks" to the USA. They shoved USD down everybody's throats and it is about time that USD loses the status of the world's reserve currency. China, Russia, Japan, India are already trading between themselves in their currencies or anything but USD. They are also hoarding gold and silver (silver to a smaller extent). China clearly wants Yuan to be major if not the main currency in the international basket of currencies, and also a major part of SDR (which is another bullshit currency intended for global domination).

One day China will have enough. It will dump T-bills (they have about 1.5 Trillion of that bad) and will declare Yuan being backed up by gold. If you think that is like Sci-Fi you must know that for about year now they have a Gold Yuan used to pay for oil to Arab exporters. That paper Yuan is exchangeable for real gold on the Shanghai exchange. Can't get better than that!

What do you think oil producers rather take, petro USD that is worth of bag of terrible or Gold Yuan that is actually a gold bars. Time, when USD was backed up by silver and gold, has long passed. Pay attention to the pictures of dollars in the second half of THIS ARTICLE

So when they declare regular Yuan being backed by gold, not to be pushovers, Russians will do the same the Rubles. At that moment those nations having gold and silver will re-evaluate it to new heights! Gold will skyrocket and silver will follow. I hope and predict that at that time will silver get it's rightful value in relations to the gold. It will not be 1 tp 86 ration but something much closer to 1 to 10 or 1to 20. Your, mine and everybody else's stack on this forum will jump from a few hundred or few thousand dollars stack into something that will bring smile on our faces. It won't be a 20% jump but something in "Bitcoin style" multiples or thousands of percent.  

That will be game over for USD. It is actually the only thing that America is successfully exporting around the world. Nodoby will want it any more. Inflation will hit, followed with hyperinflation. Paper money will become next to worthless or truly worthless. Suddenly people that stack silver coins and rounds will become very popular and in simple terms wealthy. Merchants will take silver coins for sure. They ain't fools. Link to silver used as money article is in the body of the main post. 

It is pretty much explained in those articles. There is one more about why you should invest in silver but reading it may be wasted since YOU and other people here do not need any convincing. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in this forum in the first place, right 😀 ? 


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Silver will appreciate when gold appreciates. Gold will appreciate when the West runs out of gold to send to China. When that happens China will reprice gold - the COMEX will break and the Western cabals will lose control.

So you need to watch the gold market to see the silver market. When gold starts to gain speed there will be a rush into both gold and silver but as the silver market is so small, the silver price will  really take off. This is what happened in 2010-11. Some central banks are buying more gold and others are repatriating theirs. There is a raft of other factors that are advancing the reset. Until then buy gold and silver and stop worrying about when the reset will come. When it arrives you will wish it hadn't arrived so soon. i have my fill of silver and so i am tending to buy gold. Gold will always turn out to be a good buy - silver may turn out to be a great one.

In the medium term silver will only go to 1 : 10 with gold if it becomes remonetised and i see only one route to that and it isn't through buying stuff directly with silver coins.

Saudi has been selling oil in yuan to China since November 2018. China is paying her bills in T bills. Russia got rid of all of hers. The Exchange Stablisation Fund is who is buying Treasuries to keep up appearances. Gold is being used in international trade - like it used to be.

The article you post on silver being real money - i kind of agree with but it is a bit naive and unworldly - unless we move to a Mad Max world, silver coins are not going to act as money. Silver and gold can act as money but in a modern society where transactions at distance and at speed are commonplace - this just won't work. So there needs to be a mechanism to send units across the world which convey the value of real money - gold and silver. i see this being asset backed cryptocurrencies.

i half convinced myself that i would at some future date buy stuff with my silver coins. i never fully convinced myself and now i am convinced this is a non starter. Unless you envisage the complete collapse of society the silver 'gurus' occasionally spin, this will never be. i might present members on the forum a silver Maple - they would take a look - ping it - take another look - they might be able to decide it is genuine but the average Joe doesn't have a clue. If you went to a shop the coin would be refused - and i do not expect this to change. If it were accepted, what are you going to do for change? An asset backed crypto takes away the worry you are being handed a dud coin - it takes away the problem of change. Wide scale use of silver coins will only happen in La La Land. With cryptos, both gold and silver can become remonetised and then silver can go to a ratio of 1 : 10 with gold.


Always cast your vote - Spoil your ballot slip. Put 'Spoilt Ballot - I do not consent.' These votes are counted. If you do not do this you are consenting to the tyranny. None of them are fit for purpose. 
A tyranny relies on propaganda and force. Once the propaganda fails all that's left is force.

COVID-19 is a cover story for the collapsing economy. Green Energy isn't Green and it isn't Renewable.

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1 hour ago, LoveSilver said:

Pete, I am in the same boat as you are ... and everybody else in this forum. We believe in silver and save silver.

My honest opinion is that it will happen within 1.5 - 2 years and it will happen "thanks" to the USA. They shoved USD down everybody's throats and it is about time that USD loses the status of the world's reserve currency. China, Russia, Japan, India are already trading between themselves in their currencies or anything but USD. They are also hoarding gold and silver (silver to a smaller extent). China clearly wants Yuan to be major if not the main currency in the international basket of currencies, and also a major part of SDR (which is another bullshit currency intended for global domination).

One day China will have enough. It will dump T-bills (they have about 1.5 Trillion of that bad) and will declare Yuan being backed up by gold. If you think that is like Sci-Fi you must know that for about year now they have a Gold Yuan used to pay for oil to Arab exporters. That paper Yuan is exchangeable for real gold on the Shanghai exchange. Can't get better than that!

What do you think oil producers rather take, petro USD that is worth of bag of terrible or Gold Yuan that is actually a gold bars. Time, when USD was backed up by silver and gold, has long passed. Pay attention to the pictures of dollars in the second half of THIS ARTICLE

So when they declare regular Yuan being backed by gold, not to be pushovers, Russians will do the same the Rubles. At that moment those nations having gold and silver will re-evaluate it to new heights! Gold will skyrocket and silver will follow. I hope and predict that at that time will silver get it's rightful value in relations to the gold. It will not be 1 tp 86 ration but something much closer to 1 to 10 or 1to 20. Your, mine and everybody else's stack on this forum will jump from a few hundred or few thousand dollars stack into something that will bring smile on our faces. It won't be a 20% jump but something in "Bitcoin style" multiples or thousands of percent.  

That will be game over for USD. It is actually the only thing that America is successfully exporting around the world. Nodoby will want it any more. Inflation will hit, followed with hyperinflation. Paper money will become next to worthless or truly worthless. Suddenly people that stack silver coins and rounds will become very popular and in simple terms wealthy. Merchants will take silver coins for sure. They ain't fools. Link to silver used as money article is in the body of the main post. 

It is pretty much explained in those articles. There is one more about why you should invest in silver but reading it may be wasted since YOU and other people here do not need any convincing. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in this forum in the first place, right 😀 ? 


Gold and silver backed currency is not going to end the USD as a global reserve currency. Rather, it will be other nations or trading blocs with a unified monetary policy that has volume greater than the economic activity of the US. The reason people like the USD is because it is the established unit of exchange in the largest, stable economy in the world. The volume of money to economic activity is important as it allows international trading on a huge scale without impacting (as much) the stability of the currency or economy that uses it. 

China's Yuan has the inside track for potentially replacing the USD as the reserve currency over the next few decades as their population creates wealth through more and more economic activity. TBH, I think that it's inevitable that the Yuan eventually becomes a/the global reserve currency assuming a) the political landscape remains stable and b) economic policies are reasonably well manged (the last decade has been pretty good) simply do to population statistics - huge population in China. 

The main wrinkle I see could be unforeseen consequences of the 1-child policy that has created a top heavy aging demographic. But this will only be a speed bump in my estimation assuming the premise above holds. 



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There are reasons why China, Russia, India, and some other nations are going back to the fundamentals. Recent Basel III regulations confirm that they are on the exactly right track! Everybody should read a few words about Basel III. Especially us here, on the silver forum. Decreasing confidence in currencies is a widespread idea. It is about assets bank have to back up their financial position. If push comes to shove and there is a run on bank will bank have financial strength to stay on their feet?

In very short terms Basel III, which is a central bank of the central banks is moving gold from being #3 tier asset into the #1 tier asset where it will be valued as per current true value, not a 50% as before. Generally speaking, banks have gold in their treasuries, but how much. For example, central bank Canada, by an inexplicable act of stupidity sold all national gold. Whoever did it should be shot.   

Whatever happens to gold (especially good things) reflects positively on silver. I admit those positives are coming waaaaaay too slow, on eyedropper. Precious metals are sure not suitable for impatient people.

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On 16/04/2019 at 12:46, LoveSilver said:

Pete, I am in the same boat as you are ... and everybody else in this forum. We believe in silver and save silver.

My honest opinion is that it will happen within 1.5 - 2 years and it will happen "thanks" to the USA. They shoved USD down everybody's throats and it is about time that USD loses the status of the world's reserve currency. China, Russia, Japan, India are already trading between themselves in their currencies or anything but USD. They are also hoarding gold and silver (silver to a smaller extent). China clearly wants Yuan to be major if not the main currency in the international basket of currencies, and also a major part of SDR (which is another bullshit currency intended for global domination).

One day China will have enough. It will dump T-bills (they have about 1.5 Trillion of that bad) and will declare Yuan being backed up by gold. If you think that is like Sci-Fi you must know that for about year now they have a Gold Yuan used to pay for oil to Arab exporters. That paper Yuan is exchangeable for real gold on the Shanghai exchange. Can't get better than that!

What do you think oil producers rather take, petro USD that is worth of bag of terrible or Gold Yuan that is actually a gold bars. Time, when USD was backed up by silver and gold, has long passed. Pay attention to the pictures of dollars in the second half of THIS ARTICLE

So when they declare regular Yuan being backed by gold, not to be pushovers, Russians will do the same the Rubles. At that moment those nations having gold and silver will re-evaluate it to new heights! Gold will skyrocket and silver will follow. I hope and predict that at that time will silver get it's rightful value in relations to the gold. It will not be 1 tp 86 ration but something much closer to 1 to 10 or 1to 20. Your, mine and everybody else's stack on this forum will jump from a few hundred or few thousand dollars stack into something that will bring smile on our faces. It won't be a 20% jump but something in "Bitcoin style" multiples or thousands of percent.  

That will be game over for USD. It is actually the only thing that America is successfully exporting around the world. Nodoby will want it any more. Inflation will hit, followed with hyperinflation. Paper money will become next to worthless or truly worthless. Suddenly people that stack silver coins and rounds will become very popular and in simple terms wealthy. Merchants will take silver coins for sure. They ain't fools. Link to silver used as money article is in the body of the main post. 

It is pretty much explained in those articles. There is one more about why you should invest in silver but reading it may be wasted since YOU and other people here do not need any convincing. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in this forum in the first place, right 😀 ? 


China and Russia are buying gold but they are also paying their bills in gold to get around the tariffs, Russia was caught trying to fly out gold to pay some bills when the lot fell out the back of the plane, they were not bringing it into russia but leaving...because gold has no memory and silver would have taken a few planes, not one...but saying that, the biggest cause of A,Eric stopping it's silver coins was the fact people were hording silver which quickly made the price of silver cross the value placed on the coins...the same almost happened to the copper in coins..making it viable to buy cents by the ton, go through it and then melt it down for a profit....hording may not make a pm go to orbit but it can push it beyond its 'safe level' for government backing...China and russia would have to have no historians to even try and bring back a gold and silver standard when the private owners could quickly cripple it or hyperinflation anything backed by it.

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