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cant explain the pm bug , its wierd ,  i find i buy stuff after every pay day with surplus cash , i used to be addicted to classic cars  , , i must admit i dont buy the tubes of 20s like you guys , and i think one member made a £1100 purchase the other day ..WOW , 

gold hasnt bit me as much  , i think its the price ratio thats doing that (i find tiny gold items a bit of a let down ) so i have to tell myself  no more small gold items less than 21mm diamiter 

i know  that gold is gold no matter how tiny , even if it was a 10/th ounce  , its not the premiums that put me off its the size of the fractional


i suppose pms are a bit like smoking (i dont smoke)  its hard to  quit 

how can an industrial metal  used in phones, mirrors, etc  be addictive ?

i think im hooked  or an addict!

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One positive side is that you aren't really "spending" money, you're just converting your wealth into a different form


So if you're going to be addicted to something, it might as well be saving. 

Help thread for members new to silver/gold stacking/collecting

The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 

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stacking PMs is much more productive than the masses of mainstream sheeple society, who much sooner prefer to stack :

  • a £500+ smartphones
  • designer clothes
  • fancy cars
  • hot tubs
  • 50" 3D plasma lcd tvs
  • games consoles
  • sky+ tv

Take notes in 5 years+ time how much your PMs will be worth over the above items, which will be broken, obsolete, out of season, depreciated to pennies on the (£)

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With the exception of fancy cars (and you have to go very fancy here), Paul is right: Much better to put some disposable income into something that will always hold some resale value* than spend it all on things that will inevitably decline to zero.


*Before Pete chimes in, the value of investments can rise as well as fall. Price of your metals only matters when you come to sell. Do not invest more than you can afford and always ensure you diversify your portfolio. 

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but don't forget to live and have a little bit of fun  :D  i do a bit of both put some extra money in pm and the over jumping out of planes, just think it cost me £20 a skydive and i have over 200 now, plus all my gear (£3000+), but I've got to let my hair down sometime lol 


ps don't get into skydiving its even more addictive  ;)

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its not all about stack stack stack and sitting on it like Scrooge McDuck


Everyone has their own interests to put their spare cash after lifes expenses are paid, and so they should. Life is bad enough these days with the doom and gloom of lamestream media, newspapers and TV spew out daily.


I have a really decent mountain bike and walking gear.  Cant be a day out in nature away from the hustle and bustles of city or the salt sea air coming into your lungs after a good night out.


I like having a punt a few times a month at my local casino poker tournament £20-£50 for a chance to win £1000+

done OK for myself over time to :)


I collect rock and pop memorabilia which is a kind of half stacking another sort of stuff.  Buying 'quality' items can net you good profit.  I have gold/platinum record awards, diverse Japanese concert & promo posters of various collectible bands make for great wall artwork at home, but i know i could profit if i needed to move them on, i have many verified and authenticated autographs, 1st pressing LPs uncut picture discs, numerous colored vinyls. check out site popsike.com for the price of what some music memorabilia sells you will be very surprised im sure.



My downfall for wastefulness is enjoying a few beers a few nights of the week, over the past 20 years i'm sure this has cost me a good few oz of gold...hick ! :unsure:   :(


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the problem is that some people are doing just that stack stack stack and nothing else, I was looking to see where a silver stacker on youtube had gone after not seeing any new vids for a bit, then I watched his last vid and well see for yourself, I really enjoyed the dudes vids as well...



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the problem is that some people are doing just that stack stack stack and nothing else, I was looking to see where a silver stacker on youtube had gone after not seeing any new vids for a bit, then I watched his last vid and well see for yourself, I really enjoyed the dudes vids as well...


Well all I could think of was how much silver could he have got instead of paying for that toll.

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I think its all a balance i dont believe for 1 second we should all buy silver or gold with every penny you have 

if for example you had 10k sitting in the bank earning no money or very little id rather leave 8k in there doing nothing or earn little and then use a bit ie 2k for gold/silver why ? because i can then use it at a drop of a hat to do things help family ect ect 


Personally i am trying to save for a house well a good deposit and buying PM with all the money would be a silly move for me so how do i then collect silver and save for such a big move in my life its a hard one because it would be so easy to buy more silver or gold than i actually need 


So as addictive it is i have to draw a line somewhere but what i have decided is to use 10-15% of what i earn each month to go on PM so this way it wont effect me in the slightest and it hopefully will be a nice pension casher for me if not i can then just hand it down and hope it is for my son :]

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stacking PMs is much more productive than the masses of mainstream sheeple society, who much sooner prefer to stack :

  • a £500+ smartphones
  • designer clothes
  • fancy cars
  • hot tubs
  • 50" 3D plasma lcd tvs
  • games consoles
  • sky+ tv

Take notes in 5 years+ time how much your PMs will be worth over the above items, which will be broken, obsolete, out of season, depreciated to pennies on the (£)

you forgot to add the mother of all depreciation       static caravans   my brother paid £20k about 5 yrs ago went to px it on the same campsite    offered him less than £4k 

bet ya bottom dollar they would have sold it for around £14k

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8 days to anothter purchase   think im at 48 oz now  next purchase will prob be 2 oz to take me to 50 oz  and a 2 rand or sov

i store my bullion in a tin which had a sort of mens gift set for christmas  ideal 

gotta say the tins getting heavier

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sod it im going to buy another 10 coins   i have the choice of year of the horse £167.90

                                                             or  wildlife bird  series                          £147.04

any thoughts ?

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sod it im going to buy another 10 coins   i have the choice of year of the horse £167.90

                                                             or  wildlife bird  series                          £147.04

any thoughts ?

I was thinking of ordering 10 uk horses from bullion Centre. But it says £169.56 for me.

Anywhere cheaper for these?

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Looking at what the uk horses are going for on eBay made me decide to go for them.


I think it's good to get some stuff with potential growth in numismatic value rather than just plain old generic a bit cheaper

Help thread for members new to silver/gold stacking/collecting

The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 

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Looking at what the uk horses are going for on eBay made me decide to go for them.


You should get about £20 currently on ebay for these. But with the 10% cut Ebay takes off, that leaves you with £18. Then there is the 35p listing fee. so thats down to £17.65. Then there is the 3.4% Paypal fee, thats it down to £16.97, oh and there is the paypal transaction fee of 20p, so thats your total down to £16.77


.........and you bought the coin for £16.96..... :D 


Somehow I dont think you'll be making a fortune if you are looking for a quick flip. ;)  

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You should get about £20 currently on ebay for these. But with the 10% cut Ebay takes off, that leaves you with £18. Then there is the 35p listing fee. so thats down to £17.65. Then there is the 3.4% Paypal fee, thats it down to £16.97, oh and there is the paypal transaction fee of 20p, so thats your total down to £16.77


.........and you bought the coin for £16.96..... :D


Somehow I dont think you'll be making a fortune if you are looking for a quick flip. ;)  


I think they're going for a little more than £20, I feel it's next year we'll see more gains on these when the bullion dealers have sold out.

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