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Rwandan African Wildlife Series


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I will encapsulate some of mine just in case the pvc cases tones the coins over a number of years.

Yeah that's what I did, it may devalue them though, but possibly less than if they are toned.

I'm beginning to think that if the PVC hasn't toned the early coins, then it may not be an issue.

It certainly won't be an issue with mine in airtites though.

Stacker since 2013

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Are there proof and bullion versions? If so, I'd question whether those numbers are for proof coins.

Edit: I've read on the other thread 1000 for proofs. I'm still surprised though.

5k normal which went up, proof has always been 1k.

Why surprised?

Stacker since 2013

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Is it the same mint who do the elephants? Some of their mintage numbers are apparently a bit questionable.

Rwanda are minted at the BH Mayer's Kunstprageanstalt GmbH mint in Germany.

Somali elephants are minted by the Das Bayerisches Hauptmünzamt Mint in Munich, Germany.

Stacker since 2013

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Well, that's what I was worried about. Wondering wether the Mayer Mint are still bashing out the older coins.

I think if they were, it would be swiftly reflected in the price of the 2008.

From what I can see, they are still commanding very strong money.

In my opinion, with modern semi-numi bullion (or whatever you wish to call it), you always need to assume that older coins may be re-minted.

It has happened before and will likely happen again.

Stacker since 2013

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If the re-mints situation were to happen again i think it would be done in a much smaller scale and without publicity to minimise the damage to the mints reputation.

The Perth Mint i hope learned much.

I guess the fact remains that even though Perth Mint retrospectively minted the kooks, people still lap up anything they put out.

Yes, people had a moan at the time, but it's seems it was pretty much forgotten by the vast majority.

It will happen again, unlikely by the PM, just make sure you don't hold a bunch of £100 (due to rarity) coins that have a possibility of re-mint.

Go for declared mintage rather than max mintage.

Stacker since 2013

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