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Posts posted by Slaves

  1. 18 minutes ago, HonestMoneyGoldSilver said:

    Another rant incoming

    TL:DR - Cryptos are an imperfect technology with poor governance being promoted as the finished article with deified leaders

    I wouldn't mind crypto if it was untraceable digital cash with a fixed exchange rate to gold and silver. That sort of crypto is coming. It already exists in Texas apart from the privacy aspect. Some folks have said that's where the BRICS will end up and credible analysts and financial historians are suggesting it will happen in the west too instead of or as well as CBDCs

    What I find distasteful is crypto being used as a Ponzi scheme to enrich those issuing, mining and facilitating crypto trades, while the folks that actually use it as currency or buy in at the ATHs get skinned alive. When it comes to crypto, almost every person I've ever talked to owns it with a view to getting rich. They expect to become wealthy via unproductive work or zero work. Nobody sees a problem with this as long as it's them who are being unfairly enriched. Take the far-left of the political spectrum, who are the majority users of crypto. Listen to them cry about ICE vehicles, about cows belching, about everything you could imagine except for ....... BITCOIN. When it comes to their pockets it's fine to use proof-of-work and it's great that BTC has a carbon footprint bigger than Argentina.

    Examine the largest companies like Google and BlackRock who support and facilitate crypto and far-left ideologies, they are nuts for ESG. When it comes to remote working suddenly their true motivations become plain - they don't care about ESG, get your ass into your ICE vehicle and drive it to this office so our commercial real estate retains its value and we make more money. Make twice as much carbon as you did previously just get your ass into the office!! They are total hypocrites, paper tigers

    Ultimately the USD is the world's reserve currency because it's backed by the US military and security services, along with global agreements (Bretton Woods, etc). An asset can't be a global currency without a global army, at least it's never happened before in human history except for the truly independent gold and silver (which get hoarded by the most powerful armies). Maybe this time will be different? That's what Celsius told us, 3AC, FTX, Terra Luna, Voyager and Binance. It's different this time

    Nope, nothing has changed, we've even greedier than before. We're growing our Dark Tetrad - Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy and Sadism. These traits show up in every business and every individual to some extent but with crypto and social media it's more prominent than anywhere else, with some seeing them as positive virtues. Think about it. Machiavellianism is deception, misdirection, coercion. Yep that's crypto/social media. Narcissism - our blockchain is the best, our tokens are the best, I'm the hottest sign up for my OF. Social media is narcissism in its purest form. Psychopathy? The BTC devs don't care if ETH crashes or vice-versa, they don't care if exchanges collapse or people lose billions, they only care if (insert token here) outperforms the market. Sadism? Oh some people will actively delight in the suffering of others and their ability to control and manipulate assets prices or people

    I would argue 1) The USD is backed by the military, technology, US population and allied nations;

    2) That crypto as it currently exists is backed by the dark tetrad - Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy and sadism

    The more people buy into the dark tetrad and promote these traits as being positive character traits or positive business traits, the better crypto will do. A society that descends into lawlessness and depravity is well-suited to adopt crypto. A society that's stable and productive would prefer gold-backed crypto or gold-backed currency that is not speculative and is practically useable as a currency. As already discussed, too many of us will choose to put our own self-interest above all, and many more of us will follow along like sheep to the narcissists on social media and in the crypto sphere

    There is zero reason to buy BTC or the majority of cryptos other than to speculate and enrich ourselves with future price action while doing zero productive work. To realise those crypto gains you're going to have to cash out to fiat which ultimately unmasks the hypocrisy of crypto evangelists. The idea is to tell you that fiat currencies are collapsing, that central authorities are wicked beyond measure. They have the viable alternative, their fiat crypto is great and their central authorities/corporate governance is beyond reproach. The truth is the actions of central authorities in crypto are orders of magnitude more incompetent and more corrupt than those in fiat, and their ultimate goal is to cash out to fiat, not run a global crypto ecosystem which is neither viable nor desirable. A global crypto like BTC being used for all transactions would be a global CBDC, unleashing untold misery upon billions. Great if you own the BTC though so who cares? That is the long and short of it.

    Cryptos, fiat, digital assets, digital currencies, these are controlled by central authorities. Gold and silver also obey a central authority but this central authority is incorruptible - it's the universe itself - and this is why gold and silver are "God's Money"

    Wow that’s a very well educated rant. Much better than mine 😂I enjoyed reading this.

  2. I only buy and stack at the moment but I would definitely use crypto where possible.

    These institutions have far too much power. We need to take some back.

    free trade between people should be a right.

    We are all in danger. Manufactured diseases, Constant forever wars, news outlets constantly spreading fear and lies.

    Crime families and gangs in charge of most governments of the worlds.

    The devolving human race.

    rant over thanks for listening 😂


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