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Numismatic (?) auctions?

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checking almost on daily basis on line catalogues and auctions i got the feeling that (i see that as a trend) there is little to nothing around to be sold... 

i m talking about numismatic sovereigns and UK auctioneers; 

TCC it is indeed working on monthly basis but most of its lots (waiting for tomorrow's catalogue tho) are now Gillicks (dozens and dozens and dozens..), or tubes of 1925s or just modern (post 1980). The offer pre 1901 is just poor (especially in terms of quality)

BSJ is my biggest disappointment; when i first started collecting they were the Holy Grail and were hosting a couple of superbe auctions per year. Now its like nothing for months and months, and when an auction pops there is litterally nothing interesting (to me of course)

i d say the bottom of the barrel has been scraped..

what are your thoughts on that guys?

Edited by refero
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If you have not tried them before have a look at Noonans, they have one starting tomorrow though its light on sovereigns - https://www.noonans.co.uk/auctions/calendar/

There is also a new one starting up, RWB (new venture of Max Hughes) first sale on the 14th, some absolute bangers in this one - https://www.rwbauctions.com/

Then you have The Coinery and Coins of the Realm.  Golding Young have some decent sales of coins as do Lockdales

I agree there have been a rash of graded Gillicks, but that's people cashing in as they are currently the 'in thing'.  I think that's starting to wane now but we will still be seeing them for a while as everyone and their dog has been sending all their nice Gillicks off for grading in the hopes of cashing in.

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