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I don't tend to buy from Royal Mint but did notice that there are various cash back deals when purchasing RM products via Quidco (there may be similar deals with other cashback companies). From the looks of it, there seems to be a 3% cashback for new RM customers and this decreases to 1% for existing RM customers. Not a huge amount but better than a poke in the eye.


I had a friend of the family buy from similar firms and a few of the other so called mints. She found out I had been buying sovereigns and thought it was a good Idea. OMG. She got herself in a hell of a mess. The problems she had with the different companies and customer service left a lot to be desired, but when you look at the prices she paid. It made my eyes water. They can afford to give cash back deals because the mark up is that high.

She signed up to one of the mail order mints to buy a sovereign coin collection. I think it was something along the lines of The great war sovereign coin collection. Not sure. Anyway, it was a monthly payment over a period of time and as you went along they sent out a coin. They weren't what we would call genuine or real sovereigns, they were ones with a design related to the war on the reverse, same weight as sovereigns. Coins I think were half, full, double, quintuple. She ended up paying about 3 to 4 times the price of a genuine sovereign and she had problems with the delivery of the double. It was at this point she asked if I would help. It turned out that she had got sucked into their high pressure sales system. Every time there was a problem she tried to call them to get it resolved but they would end up selling her something else. 

I wish I could remember the name of the company, There was a few of them and its quite a while ago now, but my point is be careful. Some times the only reason cash back deals can be offered is because they are greatly over priced to start with. Then you find they are that set up for the sales side the customer service is either nil or leaves a lot to be desired.

For those interested I managed to get her off the mail drops and stop the sales phone calls. Eventually managed to get the war coin collection company to accept the return and get a refund for the war coin collection but all the other over priced things she had bought she had to keep. 

I realise The Royal Mint might not be that bad but from the experiences I've heard of, There's quite a few similarities. Do your research.

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