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Where are the 0% premiums for buyers at auction?

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Hi all I have coins of the realm saved to my favourites as I know they are 0% premium on coins.

The Coin cabinet was one of my favourites until recent where now they charge about 7% premium on coins. What was a good deal is now less of a deal as it’s another layer of calculation I can’t be bothered with. Like to know what I pay for up front in an instant. At James Auctions was another with a premium, always think you got a good deal till you add the premium. Doh! 😣 

Any other easily to deal with coin auction houses out there with 0% premium on coins? 


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45 minutes ago, Silverman2U said:

Hi all I have coins of the realm saved to my favourites as I know they are 0% premium on coins.
The Coin cabinet was one of my favourites until recent where now they charge about 7% premium on coins. What was a good deal is now less of a deal as it’s another layer of calculation I can’t be bothered with. Like to know what I pay for up front in an instant. At James Auctions was another with a premium, always think you got a good deal till you add the premium. Doh! 😣 
Any other easily to deal with coin auction houses out there with 0% premium on coins? 

Although it is easy to think that you getter better value or prices where there is no buyers premium, this is simplistic, as the total auction commission including VAT if applicable, is more important.

Many buyers will disagree with this or fail to understand it.

I do fully understand and agree with your point though, that it adds an extra level of time and effort when thinking about placing a bid.

Sellers often misunderstand the "total charges" point, saying that if an auction house has no sellers commission, they don't care as it does not affect them, because the buyer pays the buyers premium. I hear this time after time, and it can be very frustrating trying to explain it. It is likely that sellers believe it because it is what they want to believe it. 

I am almost certain I don't need to explain it here, but one never knows!



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8 hours ago, LawrenceChard said:

Although it is easy to think that you getter better value or prices where there is no buyers premium, this is simplistic, as the total auction commission including VAT if applicable, is more important.

Many buyers will disagree with this or fail to understand it.

I do fully understand and agree with your point though, that it adds an extra level of time and effort when thinking about placing a bid.

Sellers often misunderstand the "total charges" point, saying that if an auction house has no sellers commission, they don't care as it does not affect them, because the buyer pays the buyers premium. I hear this time after time, and it can be very frustrating trying to explain it. It is likely that sellers believe it because it is what they want to believe it. 

I am almost certain I don't need to explain it here, but one never knows!


Yep total get that point. I just like that it use to be 0% premium on The Coin Cabinet and now it’s not, and it’s just SO much simpler to no the price is this, ideally with VAT and additional cost included accepting for post at a set rate or within a reasonable limit. 

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8 hours ago, Silverman2U said:

Yep total get that point. I just like that it use to be 0% premium on The Coin Cabinet and now it’s not, and it’s just SO much simpler to no the price is this, ideally with VAT and additional cost included accepting for post at a set rate or within a reasonable limit. 

What? They don't give free postage!



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