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Silver Turning Black

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Hello hope this is the right place, I have a NEW silver bracelet that I bought myself as a memory of my mom after her death, it was VERY shiny when I first got it now just 2 days later it is not shiny and turning BLACK.  I have heard that silver does this, but here is the weird thing I have a SLIVER wedding ring that I have been wearing 24/7 for over 9 years and has NEVER had any BLACK on it.  

I also have a ring that I had made with a pearl stone that my friend gave me as a present that is also turned BALCK.  Now my wedding ring is stamped 925 SETA and the Bracelet is just 925 and the other ring is NOTHING but was bought from a jewelry store so I just assumed because it was a custom made ring no need to have 925 stamp.

The bracelet has great meaning to me and want to wear it all the time as I do my wedding ring but the black really detracts for me.

Thanks for the help, sorry if this is a stupid question.

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Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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  • ChrisSilver changed the title to Silver Turning Black

@mraamohamed no need to worry. Silver tends to tarnish if it's not polished. Other variables that can cause tarnish are sweat, sulphur (user for giving silver an aged look), some chemicals in the air or place you are storing it and other things. 

I suspect the reason why your ring worn 24/7 hasn't tarnished is because you use it frequently, so it constantly "polishes itself" with day-to-day use. I also have a 925 sterling band I wear all the time and it hasn't tarnished. However, if you polish the ring you will see a noticeable difference.

I recommend you buy some polishing paste or cloth and give it a try before worrying if it's real silver or not :)

Metals such as copper would tarnish green and the type of tarnish you describe seems to be typical of sterling silver. If you could send us a picture, or compare to the one sent previously you should have an idea :)


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