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A drop in price coupled with a continuing deficit just screams the buy signal for me 😆 


Interesting article. Thanks for posting.

The title of the thread made me think back to comment from Keith N at First Majestic earlier in the year where he said they actually withheld their silver from the market as they believed the price of silver was too low...Thus I google something along those lines and came across Chris Marcus and an interview he did with some silver miners about can, if, will miners withhold ore or refined silver from the markets to help drive up price......no different to OPEC...



People who still believe there is a silver shortage are dreamers. I can buy at every shop as much silver as I could ever own in my lifetime with no waiting periods.

Just search the amount of silver that was mined this year already, more than 800 000 000 ounces.

Supply chain issues are something that every branch has, in the company I work we are having supply chain delays of 3-6 months ...

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