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info Please help to keep the trade section tidy (use of emojis/capital letters/punctuation in topic titles)

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  • Founder & Administrator

The forum rules includes the following:


6.5.4. Members must not post entirely in capital letters. This gives the impression of shouting.

6.5.5. Members must not use excessive capitals or excessive emojis in topic titles in order to gain unfair attention to their topic, this especially but not exclusively applies to trade topics.



7.2.4. Members must not use excessive capital letters in trade topic titles. They will be removed. This is in order to keep the trade section pleasing to view and without any topics unfairly attracting more attention than others.

7.2.5. Members may use a maximum of one (1) relevant emoji in their trade topic titles. Such relevant emojis include animals when selling a coin with an animal on. Such as Panda 🐼, Elephant 🐘, Monkey, 🐒. 


I have noticed a few listings recently in breach of this. As well as some listings getting around the rules listed about by using excessive punctuation instead e.g. "!!!!" or ***TEXT***

The issue with this, is that one member adds additional CAPITAL LETTERS, emojis, punctuation etc to grab extra unfair attention and soon some other members start doing the same but increase the amount of capital letters, emojis, punctuation etc in the titles, until the trade section eventually just ends up as one horrible mess and it becomes hard for buyers (include yourself reading this) to easily navigate through the items for sale on the forum.

This rule purely exists to keep the trade section a tidy place and functional for everyone.

Therefore I kindly ask that you follow the following:

  • Follow the above quoted forum rules on emojis and capital letters
  • Choose Capitalised case if you want to make your text stand out; e.g. "Like This" rather than all uppercase "LIKE THIS"
  • Limit punctuation such as asterisks to a maximum of 2 asterisks (one either side) e.g. *Like This* inside of ********Like This******** 



NOT inline with forum etiquette:


Good use of title in line with forum etiquette:

1oz American Silver Eagle *Price Lowered* includes COA 🇺🇸

In some situations a word all in all upper case is perfectly OK, such examples mainly include abbreviations E.g. UK (as it is an abbreviation of United Kingdom) or COA as it is an abbreviation of Certificate of Authenticity. In general I would say to try to only use all uppercase for a word if it is an abbreviation of a word, otherwise use standard sentence case, or first letter of each word capitalised, e.g. Like this, or, Like This. 

Many thanks to the members who follow this and help to keep the TSF trade section a pleasant and easy place to browse. :)  

In August 2021 there were 625 trade listings started in the precious metals trade sections on the forum. Many thanks for these members who choose to buy and sell on The Silver Forum and once again thank you to those who help support TSF grow with Premium Membership. 

My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

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  • Founder & Administrator

For additional exposure of your listings please also see this feature:


My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

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Discounts / Offers
COTR Vouchers for Premium Members

Official TSF branded NGC label via COR grading
50% discount off of TSF mugs for Platinum Premium Members. (see info in Platinum Lounge)
Platinum Premium Members: Offers from selected Dealers - 15 dealers currently in the programme

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