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Should I buy $100 in silver rounds or a 1/10 Platinum coin for $156


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I am a Silver , gold and Platinum stacker. Since silvers spot prices have fell and silver is a bit cheaper Should I buy $100 in silver rounds or (one) 1/10  Platinum coin for $156. I want to add to my silver stack , but I have a lot of silver , but the premiums are down right now , then I also want to build up my Platinum stack... what would you do? Thank You in advance 

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I had this exact same issue last night but i am in the UK. It was either £143 on 5 silver 1oz coins or £132 on a 1/10 platinum coin. I went with the silver in this instance but was thinking maybe i should have went for the platinum as i do not have any yet. I think i will do a strategy where i buy silver one month, gold the next and platinum the other and then repeat. 

Like i said i went for the silver but kinda regret it now and think i will treat myself to the Platinum 1/10 on payday.

Hope that helps.

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15 hours ago, DuperDash said:

I had this exact same issue last night but i am in the UK. It was either £143 on 5 silver 1oz coins or £132 on a 1/10 platinum coin. I went with the silver in this instance but was thinking maybe i should have went for the platinum as i do not have any yet. I think i will do a strategy where i buy silver one month, gold the next and platinum the other and then repeat. 

Like i said i went for the silver but kinda regret it now and think i will treat myself to the Platinum 1/10 on payday.

Hope that helps.

The of buying silver every other month or mixing it with gold and platinum. I buy some gold every few months and I get platinum when ever.  Thank You

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Does the platinum have an equal place in your stacking strategy as the other metals? Not necessarily in volume but in it's purpose? It operates in a different market to silver and gold (it has similarities to silver in that it responds directly to industrial demand, although generally for different industries) and has some high premiums attached to fractional pieces (at least it does in the UK, and that's before the VAT we have to put up with is added which is admittedly something you don't need to worry about). 

I'm not poo-pooing the idea of holding it by any means, but would be wary of buying it in place of gold as a financial hedge but then I suppose you could say the same about silver to some degree. All that said I have read a few things from folk who seem to know their onions that say there should be a huge upward movement for platinum in the not so distant future, so what do I know 🤣

A blow hard answer to a simple question...

From the two options, for the sake of forum fun, I vote silver. It's your spondulux though bud, so enjoy swapping it for shiny stuff whatever the choice.

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3 hours ago, Liam84 said:

Does the platinum have an equal place in your stacking strategy as the other metals? Not necessarily in volume but in it's purpose? It operates in a different market to silver and gold (it has similarities to silver in that it responds directly to industrial demand, although generally for different industries) and has some high premiums attached to fractional pieces (at least it does in the UK, and that's before the VAT we have to put up with is added which is admittedly something you don't need to worry about). 

I'm not poo-pooing the idea of holding it by any means, but would be wary of buying it in place of gold as a financial hedge but then I suppose you could say the same about silver to some degree. All that said I have read a few things from folk who seem to know their onions that say there should be a huge upward movement for platinum in the not so distant future, so what do I know 🤣

A blow hard answer to a simple question...

From the two options, for the sake of forum fun, I vote silver. It's your spondulux though bud, so enjoy swapping it for shiny stuff whatever the choice.

Thank You I still have not made my final decision. I have a pretty nice silver stack and I am looking to grow my gold and platinum stack. That said its all a investment/hobby for me 

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5 hours ago, StackemHigh said:

I'd favor the Pt. Can't build  a nice Pt stack without getting any!

You are Right.  I choose the PT because of something similar of what you mentioned and silver spot prices have not been moving upwardly in a while , also I have a lot of silver and not enough PT

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