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NGC Mechanical label error. Help needed

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Hi all, just trying to get ahead of the game of what to expect before I contact NGC directly. I have a coin coming back from the USA and it has been assigned a MS category instead of PF so the label is going to need changing. I understand that NGC will do this for free but what I'm not sure about is whether I will have to receive the coin back first and then resend with fresh paperwork or will NGC UK just keep the slab and deal with it themselves. Also in the meantime shall I pay the invoice now or wait until the coin is correctly labelled.

If anyone has any experience of this I'd greatly appreciate some advice.  Cheers

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In the past I've only noticed the error once I received the coin back from NGC (I submit at NGC UK who then ship the submission to the USA). 

Then, I just filled out a new submission form and resubmitted the coin along with my next submission.

In your case, it might be worth getting in touch with NGC to see if they can rectify the error without you having to resubmit.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks @UnoWho. Hopefully they can do that it seems a bit pointless shuffling the coin backwards and forwards, but then I guess it all depends on the paperwork needed. Will definitely email on Monday and see what they say. 👍

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Hello mate,

ive had similar issue in the past. I managed to head it off before it was posted from London. You might be able to catch it in the US but it was already shipped before i realised. You’ll need to raise a new submission form but its just so NGC can process it against a new number. 

However, im not sure their system copes well with it and the coin in question sat around for a while in london and in hindsight i wish i’d just taken it back and resent it so it re-entered the system in a normal way.

best of luck, it’s annoying but they do sort it out.

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Thanks @SilverMike. It's starting to look that I will have to resubmit, but we shall see. Would I be right in assuming that they won't charge you delivery costs again if I do resubmit. The delivery charge isn't cheap by any means and I don't fancy getting charged again when it is their error.

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4 minutes ago, silversurf said:

Thanks @SilverMike. It's starting to look that I will have to resubmit, but we shall see. Would I be right in assuming that they won't charge you delivery costs again if I do resubmit. The delivery charge isn't cheap by any means and I don't fancy getting charged again when it is their error.

No problem. They shouldn’t but an email or call to them first to square it all off is probably worthwhile.  Their system is clunky as you know and they rely heavily on person involvement and they could easy miss something unless you’ve sorted it with them. Nice bunch of guys though and they’ve always been great, just nothing happens quickly

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