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Can someone tell me more about 1oz Britannias?

I want to know about designs, mintage and silver content.


Now I've seen that I am even less convinced on their record of Somali elephant mintages.

Please elaborate.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


Please elaborate.

It's debatable as to whether those early ellies were limited or minted to order. My snipe was that the Brit mintages are out so the ellies probably aren't correct either.


It's debatable as to whether those early ellies were limited or minted to order. My snipe was that the Brit mintages are out so the ellies probably aren't correct either.

Can't comment about ellies but I think the Brits were limited to 100,000 each year but actual mintages were lower.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


Try searching for heroes of silver.

Someone did a few good posts on some of the more famous silver coins. The britannia was one of them.


Can someone tell me more about 1oz Britannias?

I want to know about designs, mintage and silver content.

I love 'em all!

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


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