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Queen's beasts 10 oz latest actual prices


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I had a change of heart about continue collecting the 10 oz QB's series. Therefore I am wondering about the price you have received when selling these.

I know I can take a look at prices from bullion dealers, but prices when selling on forum or ebay can vary a lot especially with high premium coins.

I have 1 of each, but I'm of course more interested in the first three (Lion, Griffin and Red Dragon), because others have not gained much premium yet.


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On 26/07/2019 at 23:13, Tn21 said:

Why the change of heart on the 10oz qb coins ?

Liquidity. My end game is to sell my silver for gold when the ratio drops. A lot easier to sell maple leafs to bullion dealers for a good price.

I personally like them a lot, but it's an investment to me. Not a hobby.

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Your planning on selling your silver to bullion dealers for spot price and making a nice profit to absorb the premiums on the gold you purchase?

That sounds like your hoping for big moves in silver. 



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On 29/07/2019 at 11:44, RoughDog said:

Your planning on selling your silver to bullion dealers for spot price and making a nice profit to absorb the premiums on the gold you purchase?

That sounds like your hoping for big moves in silver. 



My bullion dealer pays € 1,37/oz over spot for maples.


And yes, I am expecting silver to do exceptionally well due to so many global events colliding:

* US debt (government / company / retail) highest ever.

* Artificial low interest rates incourages making more debts. Is reason for high stock market (ATH).

* When FED eventually increases interest rates, debts will become too expensive resulting in bankruptcy and collapse of economy.

* US Dollar is being devaluated by printing more money to pay of debts and to incourage export. Risk of hyperinflation.

* US Dollar global trade currency status at risk. Due to continious sanctions and money printing.

* Once trust in US Dollar is gone and loss of global trade currency status US will no longer be able to push sanctions and finance war through money printing. No more world police means more risk of rising tensions.

* US will no longer be able to print itself out of debt.

* Russia and China are selling US bonds and are buying gold.

* Many countries are actively exploring a new trade currency. Gold backed / crypto stablecoin? Even Europe (Germany/France/UK), long time ally of US, has created a payment system (INSTEX) to keep trade with Iran open to circumvent the US controlled swift system.

* Recession is imminent, but Trump will want to delay it until after the election.

* Deutsche bank on verge of collapse, risking EU/world banking crisis.

* EU central bank is open to further decrease interest rates to simulate economy, and thus weaken the euro.

* Brexit

* Global pension crisis. Countries struggle financing pensions due to increased longevity of the population.

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