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Queens Beasts 1/4


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I recently acquired a 1/4 QB bull and was wondering how much it would cost me to complete the series (1/4 oz). Usually just indiscriminately stack whatever is cheapest but really like these coins. How much could I expect to pay for each in the series? Might make a wanted post after 


Thanks as always

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Past few weeks via the forum lions and Griffin's could be purchased for the £320 mark. I have seen the dragon go on eBay for £315 recently. 

They are the main 3 with the higher premiums. The figures above may now be inaccurate because of the rise in price of spot. 

Try you luck on the forum with a Wanted post if you are that keen, I'm sure there will be members willing to part @ the right price.

 I for example just have the lion and Griffin (not for sale) but I'm not going to bother with the rest because I am just going to focus on the 10oz & 2oz silver.


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12 hours ago, elliotthuntt said:

Many thanks @Tn21 and @ilovesilverireallydo for the advice. Very helpful. Looks like an expensive collection in total! Might just have to get a couple and move onto something more affordable

I would go for the full series. 1/4 oz bullion is not too expensive. True, they went up, along with the general gold prices - but even the lion doesn't have a significantly higher premium than the more recent ones. I bought them for 300€ apiece or even slightly less but at the moment we are talking about 350-355€ :(. Hopefully gold gets a bit cheaper until the next Beast...

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