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Perth Mint Lunar 2 coloured


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Any help would be appreciated.

My wife would like to buy me a set of the Lunar 2 coloured series (2008 - 2017?) - either the 1/2 oz or the 1 oz.

To buy these on EBay is confusing particularly  with the Postage costs for individual items.

Could anyone give me a very rough estimate for either of these sets and where they can be found?

Thank you

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18 minutes ago, feyles said:

Any help would be appreciated.

My wife would like to buy me a set of the Lunar 2 coloured series (2008 - 2017?) - either the 1/2 oz or the 1 oz.

To buy these on EBay is confusing particularly  with the Postage costs for individual items.

Could anyone give me a very rough estimate for either of these sets and where they can be found?

Thank you

There was one in the sales section. Priced very well it might still be there. 

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49 minutes ago, feyles said:

Any help would be appreciated.

My wife would like to buy me a set of the Lunar 2 coloured series (2008 - 2017?) - either the 1/2 oz or the 1 oz.

To buy these on EBay is confusing particularly  with the Postage costs for individual items.

Could anyone give me a very rough estimate for either of these sets and where they can be found?

Thank you

I would have a proper think about this before you dive in - they are generally frowned upon . When I started to collect them I found that people felt less of me on this forum for doing so! Bullying is rife on here ?

I don't like the fact that 3rd parties colourise them. There are 3 or more different versions of the colourised goat for instance and 2 for the monkey because of the monkey king coin. I don't think there is much investment value in them - I tried selling a tube of monkeys with difficulty. However if you are certain, and you like the look of them, then crack on. Its always nice when the other half shows an interest in stacking.

Currently stacking 10oz Unas and Britannia bars 


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