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How silver has to be preserved


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Hi! As a newbie I have a lot of questions that this forum is answering :D But I cannot find information on how to preserve the silver and gold coins. I know that they must not be touched directly (scratches, digital prints). I also know that silver gets dark (it oxidates?) so you have to keep it away from the air but I don't understand why they don't oxidate in an airtite because there is still oxigen in there.... A lot of doubts...as you can see.. So please tell me if I must get airtites for every coin or there are alternatives... Thanks!!!

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Some on here would say get the polish out, another would say give it a long soak in bleach  :o

But personally speaking if the coins come in tubes I'd leave them there but if they arrive in plastic flips I'd get them encapsulated, try to store them in a dry place with silica gel bags or as my Nan always said chalk.

As for gold apart from scratches you don't have to worry, gold doesn't tarnish, doesn't fade and doesn't corrode, it's actually not of this world so doesn't act like any other metal, the term 'acid test' originated from testing gold as it was the only thing that would withstand acid, you have to admire the stuff.

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Gold won't tarnish or oxidise, you only have to worry about scratching it. Handling with very soft clean cotton gloves will help prevent finger marks if you care about them but otherwise you can play with it (gently) with your bare hands. Silver is not as soft but when polished to a mirror-finish it will still scratch easily, and it can tarnish in open air because of sulphurous gases (so don't fart on it). It also reacts more to the oils on your skin and if left, fingerprints will cause marks due to reactions on the exposed metal. Oxygen alone will not cause tarnishing but in combination with sulphur and hydrogen the reaction occurs on the surface which leads to it darkening (I'm sure Flutters will correct me on this if I'm wrong).

By putting the silver in an airtight container you prevent any more air getting to the silver, whereas if it were exposed, it gets enough new gases circulating around it to cause visible tarnishing. You can also use anti-tarnish materials that absorb the sulphur (such as coin-armor bags or intercept strips/rings) which absorb the harmful gases and help protect the coin.

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it wont oxidise Much in an air tight container only enough to use up all the oxidising agents in that small finite area inside the container, this amount won`t be noticable at all.

silver will react (as will most all metals) to highly electronegative elements (stuff on top right of the periodic table), Sulpher, Oxygen as O3 (Ozone), Chlorine (all the halides in fact) so don`t try and Bleach your coin ;)

and that includes Gold too, don`t put gold in bleach either! it can go the same way as silver only more Purple in color to start with before it goes black.


interestingly though, silvers reactions with halides only goes black in the light, do it in a perfectly dark room and it`s a white coating instead of black (think Photography).

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Hi! Yes it is although I've not changed the photo!! Maybe I should change it for security reasons?? ;)

I don't know any spaniard with theses interests..... :(

That surprises me with the financial position spain is in. I guess the same can be said of most of europe, silver and gold just isn't as commercial as it is in US or Oz.

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Keep asking question but no one seems to answer...... Should I put my perth mint lunars/WTE and pandas in air tites or they ok in original caps

Keep them in original caps mate. They are air tight so you shouldn't opening them if you can help it.

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Hi! Yes it is although I've not changed the photo!! Maybe I should change it for security reasons?? ;)

I don't know any spaniard with theses interests..... :(

You are a handsome boy! Shame to change your avatar. Just kidding!

Probably very little security risk but you can't be too careful.

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By putting the silver in an airtight container you prevent any more air getting to the silver, whereas if it were exposed, it gets enough new gases circulating around it to cause visible tarnishing. You can also use anti-tarnish materials that absorb the silver (such as coin-armor bags or intercept strips/rings) which absorb the harmful gases and help protect the coin.

Does this include quadrum square caps?

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I have coins in capsules, then in airtite tubes and then in coin armour bags. I like the coin armour bags, I have pretty much all of my silver in these bags to preserve them. Apart from a few coins in a lighthouse case.

I also have loads of large sachets of moister absorbing beads.

My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

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