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1.5oz Arctic Fox


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I was wondering if anyone had an arctic fox they can sell me or knows of anyone selling them? The premium is huge on this coin and I really can't see why





More expensive than the polar bear. Better coins out there.

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I too would have liked to add the Arctic Fox to my collection but I am not willing to pay silly premiums for a bullion issue and cannot understand the difference in price compared to its predecessor the Polar Bear.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's a pity, because I will pay up to 290€ for 10 arctic foxes :-( Let's see if the price drops next months...

You'd struggle to get the polar bear for that price.

That's £15.38 an ounce for restricted mintage and part of a set.

If you find them for your target price, let us know as I think a few people would be interested.

Stacker since 2013

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I got the polar bear recently for 27.09€ (I got 10, and I coud have bought at 26.90€). With capsules and shipping (the proporcional part) 28.26€. So I think that 29€ only for the coin it's fair enough.


So I have very clear the price I should pay for a coin which is one year later. If it's not possible, I pass, I don't want to give my money to speculators.




I get this info in a forum:


Geiger, a German dealer and mint house, answer to me :  (Google translated)

In the case of polar bears existed in Europe and America each an exclusive supplier / rights owner, who sold the coin as bullion coin, and submitted to each a minimum order of several hundred thousand pieces per year.

The arctic fox is, however, not designed as a bullion coin, the minimum purchase should be much lower, but the premium has increased enormously. Furthermore, the sole licensee shall make no interest commercialization in Europe priced, so we have to import the coins through our American store-consuming and increases costs.



So I will never have one :D That's a pity :-(

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Don't believe a word - the Arctic Fox is the second in the same series as the Polar Bear and both are minted as regular bullion.

Perhaps the dealers paid too high a price in the supply chain and are unwilling to take a loss, thereby keeping the Fox price too high ?

Time will tell as I certainly will not be paying the silly premium.

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