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is acid test needed


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read a bit about acid testing coins, is this an essential test  can you not just use, weight, and magnet test

seems such a shamre to damage a coin with acid to find if its not a fake


read a bit about acid testing coins, is this an essential test can you not just use, weight, and magnet test

seems such a shamre to damage a coin with acid to find if its not a fake

Weight, dimensions, magnet, ping.

No need for acid.

Stacker since 2013


Weight, dimensions, magnet, ping.

No need for acid.


Agreed you'll just make your coin worth spot if you do that.I think people go slightly over the top worrying about fakes 99.9% of coins will be OK,buy from commercial business like we have on the site STG, silber corner etc and trusted ebay sellers etc and you'll be OK.


Just use your common sense re ebay if coins are too cheap on BIN your alarm bells should be going off.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.



Agreed you'll just make your coin worth spot if you do that.I think people go slightly over the top worrying about fakes 99.9% of coins will be OK,buy from commercial business like we have on the site STG, silber corner etc and trusted ebay sellers etc and you'll be OK.


Just use your common sense re ebay if coins are too cheap on BIN your alarm bells should be going off.



I think people go slightly over the top worrying about fakes 99.9% of coins will be OK

Very well put MB.

Whilst it's good to be diligent, if you use your non-destructive tests you will be fine in 99.9% of cases.

Stacker since 2013


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