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Is it normal for 100g bars to weigh 101g?


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Bought a couple of 100g Umicore silver bars a couple weeks ago. Measured them and they had the correct dimensions, did a specific gravity test and got 10.4. Weighed it in at 101g is this normal? I am probably getting overly paranoid as I got them at 37 quid each.


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assume latest years so should be 31.21g therefore 3 should be 93.63, so your scales reading bloody good at that level.

Looks like your 100g bar is actually 101g then.

I've no idea how accurate these bars should be, maybe a bar afficionado will know.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon

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Yea that's what Im thinking, I know some bars are a little bit over and I got 2 and they are both identical and weigh 101g, both have specific gravities of 10.4 . Not sure of any other ways of testing them. I didnt measure them with calipers though. In terms of size difference , what magnitude of size would they be bigger? 0.1mm??

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2 minutes ago, Webster said:

Yea that's what Im thinking, I know some bars are a little bit over and I got 2 and they are both identical and weigh 101g, both have specific gravities of 10.4 . Not sure of any other ways of testing them. I didnt measure them with calipers though. In terms of size difference , what magnitude of size would they be bigger? 0.1mm??

basic physics and maths;)

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon

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copper based fakes for silver usually have an sg of less than 9.

so it's volume would need to increase by at least 15%.

depending on where the extra volume is added you're looking

at 2-15% increase in dimensions.



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This guy had them on at 80 quid + 4 pounds postage, which is not supiciously low in price. But it had best offer so I offered 70 and he accepted.

Aye so I measured them with a ruler at the right dimensions pretty much, but I am buying some verniers soon to do a double check.

Pretty confident they are genuine I was just puzzled as to why they are 101g in weight is all?

Do you reckon it is because of the 999.0 purity?

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2 minutes ago, Webster said:

Do you reckon it is because of the 999.0 purity?

bar is 1% over in weight.

To compensate for 1 part in a thousand not silver, weight would need to be 0.1% over

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon

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