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Painting Your Own Silver Coins


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I have recently considered the idea of painting one of my QB completers, since it's covered in milk spots. I have some ideas of what I want it to look like, although my artistic capabilities don't go much further than drawing a stickman, so I'm going to ask a family member to help (or do it for me).

Just wondering, is there any members out there with any experience of this? If so, would they like to share some pictures of their work? Maybe even offer some tips...

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1 hour ago, SilverJacks said:

I have recently considered the idea of painting one of my QB completers, since it's covered in milk spots. I have some ideas of what I want it to look like, although my artistic capabilities don't go much further than drawing a stickman, so I'm going to ask a family member to help (or do it for me).

Just wondering, is there any members out there with any experience of this? If so, would they like to share some pictures of their work? Maybe even offer some tips...

I didn't colored them, i "rainbow" toned them to cover milkspots. It dosn't work very well. Biggest spot at the hounds nose still visible 






Edited by dikefalos
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Interesting. What is rainbow toner? Are the patches from where it peeled off, or did not take to the surface?

I would like to paint all fields + edge but leave the reliefs plain silver, perhaps painting them a different colour to cover the milk spots. Although, It's easier to think of ideas than implement them 😂

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I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve but I will add my two pennies worth. 

I have zero artistic skill but I have done a fair bit of transferring images on wood. I think what you are after is a sublimination type of method on the cheap. It would usually cost about £1000 to get set up but if you wish to do it on the cheap this is how I would do it. 

Download inkscape, it's a free open source software for creating graphics. You can use photos,, images, vectors or just create your own. 

Access to a laser printer. This method only works with a laser printer as the ink separates easily. With wood I use the waxey paper you get with postage stick on labels. 

This vid will give you some idea how it works. 


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Thanks for that @Bigmarc (I've reached my daily like limit). So does this mean I could try to create stencils and then transfer ink to certain areas with this method? Or does this seem too difficult?

Ideally, I'd have the coin all plain black but then colouring the reliefs differently. But using a paint might kind of fill the intricate gaps like the dotted field on the obverse. Maybe I could spray the whole coin and then use the ink transfer method for the details...🤔 It's not so straightforward for me to plan out in my mind 😂

Here's the kind of thing I had in mind but not gold coloured...


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This will get you a step forward, not sure it's perfect. I am personally thinking, spraying black, dipping in wax then removing the wax for the gold colour with soldering iron, then spraying gold. Then remove all wax by sticking it in oven. 


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4 minutes ago, SilverJacks said:

Many thanks @Bigmarc. Interesting stuff. 

Once I put a plan together I'll report back, hopefully soon, with some results

Nice one, I'm no expert, I do laser engraving as a hobby/sideline (currently on hold). This world and the arts and crafts world cross paths, so any issues post it up 

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