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Benin Elephant, Zebra & Rhino


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Anyone else dabble in this series? The premiums are high but the mintage low and the quality is first class.

I am a bit confused about what is what though, they could really do with some info put out about which series is which. As far as I can tell there is a 2014 & 2015 Elephant which I believe is a yearly series on its own. And the Zebra & Rhino are the first 2 coins in a new series.








 you can read that

Leipzig-based mint, MCI launched a new series of one-ounce silver bullion coins back in early 2014 and the coin went on to be a big success. Following that up, a new Benin Elephant design debuted in 2015 and was likewise well-regarded. Unlike the big guns in the silver bullion coin world, the Benin Elephant is strictly limited to a run of just 5,000 and therin lies much of the appeal. Nice design, tight mintage and a quality strike all add up to popularity and with MCI expanding the series under the Silverline umbrella with a Zebra, a Hippo and shortly a Rhinoceros coin, that’s clearly the case.

Thru MCI mint's web page there is little info.


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