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Lunar question


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So I was thinking of collecting the Perth mint lunar series 2. I already accidentally have the tiger and dragon. Looking on Atkinsons just now the 1oz horse is £35 while the 1/2 ounce is much less that half that price. Is that normal? Seems odd - is there anywhere else you'd recommend looking for these? Thanks in advace

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STG have the horses still, good prices too.

1oz are limited mintage, other sizes are not so that may account for the price difference buddy.

Glad you are thinking of collecting Lunars matey, they are gorgeous.

Stacker since 2013

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Thanks Danny - quite looking forward to collecting them. STG are sold out of the 1oz. They seem to be a really good bet on increasing premiums in years to come as people like me start to collect.

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@Ares - Ah I was sniped for it - I hear you're good at that ;)

I meant to say on another thread - I have some US 'junk' buried in the hills, but before I buried it took our around 5 of the best 1/2 dollars (different types) if you ever get into collecting them I'd be happy to swap for something on a favourable basis to you.

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"Lunar Question"


I was expecting a new thread on how the moon landings were really a big hoax, or perhaps about the aliens that were spotted by the Apollo astronauts when they landed on the moon.


Not sure how both can be true, but that's conspiracies for you.


or perhaps.....


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I have 43oz of series 2, and I need more!!!

The ones I need are very expensive though. Ugh.

Didn't realise STG has sold the 1oz, they had it not so long back IIRC.

Looking around, the 1oz S2 prices seem to have jumped lately.

Stacker since 2013

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@Ares - Ah I was sniped for it - I hear you're good at that ;)

I meant to say on another thread - I have some US 'junk' buried in the hills, but before I buried it took our around 5 of the best 1/2 dollars (different types) if you ever get into collecting them I'd be happy to swap for something on a favourable basis to you.

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Well, i've done it a grand total of 2 times (i'm not an experienced eBayer :) ) and i'm waiting for their auto-bidder job to automatically counterbid my snipe attempt. That seems like the best way to counter sniping, if something's doing for 18 and you'd pay say 22, post 22. Then when the smart arse goes "Oh, but if I bid 19 at the last minute!" he gets auto-bid.




Sounds cool mate, i'd be interested to see what they look like that's for sure, but i'm burnt out on spending for a couple of months so I can get some cash together.

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No worries I don't have them with me now anyway - maybe next month I can get them

Yes auto bid is cool I just wasn't really sure what the price should be - I'm new to the lunar scene

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Cool cool :)


Well, Danny was right, the most expensive one wasn't more than £40 (but I haven't got the Tiger yet) and they just look so great all next to each other. You'll love it!

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Cool cool :)

Well, Danny was right, the most expensive one wasn't more than £40 (but I haven't got the Tiger yet) and they just look so great all next to each other. You'll love it!

Are you there with S2 1oz other than the tiger then Ares? Great job if so.

1/2oz next? Prepare for a shock lol. Same goes for 2oz.

Stacker since 2013

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Are you there with S2 1oz other than the tiger then Ares? Great job if so.

1/2oz next? Prepare for a shock lol. Same goes for 2oz.


Yeah, I got 'em all on one big splurge apart from the Tiger, and it was glorious receiving them through the post.


I would love to, but I've not got the money. Maybe next year when I graduate, but until then it's going to be very limited ;) Glad I got 'em though, even got 2 lion privys which are actually quite good looking despite my initial reservations.

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I'm already looking at the other sizes - mainly because they seem a lot cheaper by weight (£159 for 10oz is half the cost). Do the prices rise proportionately for earlier years?

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So I was thinking of collecting the Perth mint lunar series 2. I already accidentally have the tiger and dragon. Looking on Atkinsons just now the 1oz horse is £35 while the 1/2 ounce is much less that half that price. Is that normal? Seems odd - is there anywhere else you'd recommend looking for these? Thanks in advace

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Try arishmo I've bought a few lunar s2 coins off him

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Looking on Atkinsons just now the 1oz horse is £35 while the 1/2 ounce is much less that half that price. Is that normal? 



The 1oz horse has a mintage of 300,000 and the 1/2 oz is minted to order for the year, in the past we've seen the 1/2 oz actually having a lower mintage, usually around 150,000 but because they're mint to order there isn't the buying frenzy we see for the 1oz, but once the year's over the 1/2 oz picks up a premium, personally I feel the 1/2oz horse is a good buy at the moment.

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I'm already looking at the other sizes - mainly because they seem a lot cheaper by weight (£159 for 10oz is half the cost). Do the prices rise proportionately for earlier years?

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The horse is the cheapest 10ozer followed by the snake,dragon,£195-£220,rabbit,£210-£225,Ox&tiger £225-£260,

this mouse £450-£550



2 ozers all £45-£70  except ox £100-£125, mouse £270-£350


If you watch ebay you may get some of the less rare coins cheaper but the lower mintage coins will fall between the prices I've shown as there is always someone after them.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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@ garthy and motorbikez - thanks for the super info, it's all starting to make sense now... Just seen the horse and snake 1ozers on Chards for under £25 each so will pick those up

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