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Everything posted by sixgun

  1. Kinesis started paying out the Holders' yield today - a lot of excitement. i was please with my payout. It depends on the activity on the Exchange but people have said it has worked out at 4.5% holders' yield for them. So free vaulting, no VAT and 4.5% yield for having your metal in the Kinesis system.
  2. There is already a thread on uranium https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/38178-uranium-talk-to-me-people/
  3. You are not responsible for paying US state sales tax - you should demand a refund of that - if that is what it is. Goods are exported US sales tax free. If the goods were being exported from the UK they would be exported UK VAT free. Then VAT is levied as they are imported. So as Pete says we need more information. Was the item sold under 'Global Seller Programme'? What could be paid? - when the package hits the UK border it is taxed on the price paid - the price paid for the goods + shipping costs. Then there are likely brokerage charges and VAT on them. i recently received a letter in Spain - it had some labels in. The VAT charged was a few cents but i ended up paying 5€ odd. Another letter i paid 15€ something. The declared value of the items was small but with all the fees and VAT on fees it soon adds up.
  4. Again - what's with the -20% hole? i am scouring my memory cells for when i paid VAT on silver. i remember once i got stung by customs for a medallion from China except the people at customs didn't know its worth and pitched the VAT at a fraction of what it should have been. If you buy at a price you could turn around and sell at there is no hole to dig yourself out of. For years we had VAT free silver. Members who have been around for more than a year should have filled their boots. i know i did when the buy price was in the low teens. When we have the forum to sell on, why go running to a dealer and get fleeced like an amateur who knows no better. In any case i never sold an ounce that was my own so what do i care.
  5. i looked in my account last night - in the holders yield bit it showed the eligible coins as the ones i am holding right now. It did not show coins i held in the past. i asked more knowledgeable members of my gang. i was told the holders' yield is calculated on a daily basis. It looks like it is still being calculated. So this month they will bring everything up to date from past months. Then next month it will be the coins you held that particular month. Kinesis needs to know the wallet containing the coins is your wallet - the wallet needs to be the integral one with your KMS account or a CoolWallet linked to your KMS. i have a CoolWallet but i never worked out how to use it. All my coins are in my KMS account.
  6. i am in Spain - i have not bought from GS.be or elsewhere on the Continent whilst i have been in Spain - i see GS.be advertising Britannias at 22.67€ (£19.41)- technically they should add VAT on since 1st July 2021 but go to checkout it says 0.00€ tax. i very much doubt any tax would be levied by Spanish customs if i ordered, not for a package coming from the EU. If i were buying a good lot, i could take a trip to GS.be and just pick it up. i still buy silver but in England and have it stored in England. i am addicted and so i still buy silver and will keep buying silver. I get nearly all of it off the Silver Forum. No-one is charging VAT here - so there is no VAT. They are charging a price that i could turn the silver round at and sell again on TSF. So what is the issue? People pay a price on TSF. Unless they have overpaid or the silver price dropped hard they could sell it again at that price. It doesn't matter if there is VAT in the price or not if you can sell it at that price. People talk as if they buy all their silver from dealers and then sell it back to dealers at under spot and so lose all the VAT and premium they paid. Who is doing that? Please step forwards and then explain why you are doing that. i accept if you are in a mad hurry to sell then you can get a quick turnaround but otherwise i don't understand all this talk about VAT. There is no reason to be 'underwater', unless you are Marine Boy. Very recently i have bought a lot of silver. i buy it on Kinesis. i don't pay VAT - there is no VAT. i can sell the silver - i can sell it for crypto, EUR USD, GBP and KAU (gold). i even get a yield on the silver i hold and the first yield should be paid out next week. i believe silver will appreciate a lot - a hell of a lot in the coming years - but i am probably well known for that belief. i can get more silver for my money with Kinesis. It is about £16.70 on the Exchange, although i always buy in USD. For me i could buy like the pre-Brexit times from GS.be, i do buy at good prices on TSF and i also buy at trade prices on the Kinesis Exchange. i keep buying silver - Silver will go to the Moon. It is not a matter of if, it is simply a matter of when.
  7. Not mine sadly - never seen anything like this before. Featured in the ALL ENGELHARD Newsletter. "The First and to-date Only TOP LOGO set of very early Engelhard ingots, and ALL SEQUENTIAL serial numbers! The set includes a 3oz s/n 03002, 4oz 03003, 5oz 03004, 7oz 03005, and 10oz 03006. WOW! And the BOX is Beautiful, and all intact and original! AND we’re more than curious why this US set was presented in an ENGELHARD INDUSTRIES of CANADA LTD. Box!? DOUBLE WOW…."
  8. The metal markets are mainly paper contracts. The metals are currencies. The London spot gold and silver market is primarily an FX currency market. The metals are counter currencies - they stand counter to national fiat currencies. This is for sure with gold but somewhat less with silver b/c of its other uses. What factors are used to price gold (and silver)? It is mainly other currencies, interest rates, bond rates. The price of gold and silver moves hard with financial and banking news b/c they are financial 'products'. Some people call them commodities and don't believe they are money and currencies, but you only have to look at the price chart around FOMC, NFP announcements to realise they do not behave like commodities - they behave like a financial product. The futures market for gold was set up following the USD coming off the gold standard and US citizens being allowed to own gold. US citizens cannot trade on the spot market - they are captives of this futures market. In the Wikileaks leaked document it is clear the reason for the COMEX was to get Americans into paper contracts and keep them away from physical. You can have resources diverted from physical into a paper contract with no physical behind it. Until recently the COMEX was all but an undeliverable market. Many brokers will close futures positions at expiration and do not allow an investor to take delivery. The GLD and SLV are similar surrogates. Ordinary people buy these - they think they own gold and silver but they can never take delivery. How much is really backing these ETF's is not really known. Many don't believe there is as much as there is claimed to be and if there is some would question if that gold / silver hasn't been borrowed / lent out. Indeed gold in the GLD is borrowed for the Bank of England and so one might say it doesn't really exist. There are many stories about investors who invested in unallocated bullion who then went to take delivery only to be told - sorry - here's your cash now clear off. Legally there doesn't have to be any gold / silver. Money which was intended to go into metal is taken by the bullion banks are used elsewhere. There never was any metal. It appears there are these hoards of physical gold / silver when in reality there is nothing but paper certificates. We also get metal rehypothecated. It is apparently legal to rehypothecate to infinity in the City. Metal can be used as collateral multiple times so there are multiple claims on the same bars. So for every ounces of real metal there is, there are many, many more of fictional metal. Some people might consider it fraud but this is banking and they do this sort of thing. i am not even covering all the antics on the markets carried out to rinse investors out, to create negative sentiment, then often misleading views coming from the controlled financial media output. People like those on this forum who hold actual physical are in the minority. The aim has been to keep us in the minority. If even a small fraction of investments went into allocated physical metal the price would have to climb much, much higher. Instead much of the small fraction that actually goes into 'metal' is conned into unallocated non-existent metal, into ETF's with dubious reserves and the casino of the futures market. Those who want large amounts of physical do not pay the paper price - there are premiums to pay. Some silver refiners are sold out for the rest of the year, so you won't get anything from them. When there is such dislocation between physical and paper - one might ask what is the paper market? What does it actually represent other than a dot on a screen.
  9. Look the reason there is a disconnect between the COMEX and the physical market for (gold and) silver is there is an oversupply of (gold and) silver on the futures market. HH has told you. Be told. i saw Sirius Report posted today that 45% of annual production of physical silver was sold in the futures market yesterday. This is what HH means by oversupply of silver. What HH fails to say of course is NO-ONE on God's Earth could get hold of 45% of annual production to sell. The sellers didn't sell any silver b/c they didn't have any silver to sell in the first place. The algos sold 45% of annual production in one day NAKED short. They sold silver they didn't have, that they will never have in order to crash the price. After the BIS OPEX got squared off this afternoon at exactly the BIS's sweet spot price, then price took off as short covering occurred. Momentum traders with algos were selling down the metals and playing off bond prices and the metals. They sold off massive amounts of non existent silver to trigger stops encouraged by bid pulling by the banks and the BIS aiming to square off unallocated positions in the run up to the end of year Basel III rules. It is a game involving oceans of fiat (the BIS plays with $trillions of derivatives) and mountains of non-existent metal. Don't tell me this is manipulation - don't tell me that the market prices are being manipulated with vast number of contracts for gold and silver that doesn't exist. This is just normal fair price, back and forth trading. i wish you would get real and be told.
  10. The paper silver market and the physical markets are completely disconnected at this point. The metals are backwardated and as a result metal for delivery is being bought heavily. This is momentum / algo traders going short and the Banks on the other side going long. The BIS squaring off unallocated metal in preparation for Basel III is at the root. Dumping 25% of world silver production (with no metal actually to sell) is blatant manipulation.
  11. Are you implying that the typical post made here is insane? i do believe you are. As a higher volume poster on the TSF i must conclude this refers to me as well. Look at this @LawrenceChard - as i pointed out only today i am literally shaking. 😱
  12. Well i am not surprised. Kman posted a veiled slur directed at Chris. TSF is a great forum - it is the best precious metals forum by a long way. If you want to be a member and post here you don't bite the hand that feeds you.
  13. Virtually everything much higher except gold silver and platinum down - well who'd have guessed. There is no inflation and the price of precious metals is not manipulated. The main cost in mining is energy - energy clearly will be costing more but the metals have not kept pace - but there is no manipulation. 🙄
  14. Well i have been saying that we are going to be hit with heavy duty inflation for years. We have been dealing with inflation for years but they manipulate the price index shopping basket to keep the numbers down. People on fixed low incomes have to deal with this and suffer. i have been talking about shortages as well - especially food shortages for years. The one bonus is real money is on offer. This is the bonus i suppose - real money is on offer. Keep swapping out the bad money for good.
  15. yes i saw all your charts and i replied on that basis. The Fed PhD economists have all the charts but their predictions and actions based on said charts do not connect with the real world. You have posted plenty based on this type of chart and you are confronted with members saying something very different. You gave up posting b/c members did not seem to accept or appreciate your efforts. i expect you became disheartened and thought sod it. i have no doubt you are very sincere. The likes of Minimalist and myself are also very sincere. i doubt we will meet as there probably isn't any middle ground. In the end it will be the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
  16. This is the point. Jay Powell et al come on the telly and spout what they spout. They quote their numbers and their plots. The tame controlled media give them the prepared and rehearsed questions. The economy is strong, inflation is 2% - oh well it is a bit more but it is transitory..... Then when you look at other sources i hear that foreigners are not buying Treasuries, it's entities related to the Exchange Stabilisation Fund holed up in the Cayman Islands etc. The plunge protection team appears and pumps up the index. The unemployment rate comes out low but 20+ percent don't have a job. Catherine Austin Fitts talks about the missing $21 trillions she found on the books. Mark Skidmore talks about finding $90 odd trillions missing - the books are closed to scrutiny under Fasb 56 so anything could be happening. Further estimates have been guesstimated at approaching $200 trillion of missing 'money'. There is so much cash swirling around. 9/11 was the excuse to invade Afghanistan to reinstate the nacro-trade to support the US economy post the dot com bubble bursting. The naco-trade runs on cash. $billions of back handers and bribes run on cash. Pallet loads of dollars. There are $millions if not $billions of counterfeit dollars. You yourself said there is no idea how many Eurodollars there are out there. It is like a Columbian drug cartel counting room - awash with illegal and opaque cash. None of the charts can make sense in those circumstances.
  17. We will see @Kman - clearly all the prices at my supermarket will be going down and if not i will get you to tell them to put the prices down. We look at the real world not dot plots. Are prices all around us going up? That's what people like me and @Minimalist see. Are we in stagflation? i lived through the 1970's - there was lots of stagflation.
  18. Sorry - you are deceiving yourself. You clearly don't understand Fed QE is bank reserves. Anything you see going up is transitory supply side fluctuations and they will settle down pretty quickly. The $trillions being pushed out as stimmies, furlough, bail outs etc - these are minor ripples on the pond - it's transitory - Jay Powell called me last night and told me so.
  19. Oh come on - where have you been? A 5 second look on my Twitter feed https://www.which.co.uk/news/2021/08/energy-bills-set-to-rise-139-for-15-million-people-how-to-make-sure-youre-not-among-them/ Energy bills set to rise £139 for 15 million people: how to make sure you’re not among them Here is ShadowStats - the guy plots prices using the old time basket http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/inflation-charts i know this is true b/c i look in my shopping basket - i buy stuff for a small company and see the invoices for the same things going up.
  20. i get what you say. This is a matter of definitions and interpretations of those definitions. The decentralised element of a crypto is seen as an important element. The anonymous 'unconnected' validation occurs at multiple nodes. Personally i see them all as digital assets on the blockchain. If they are used as mediums of exchange, they are currencies and some are decentralised. As soon as you are dealing with a digitised asset if has to start centralising. Who is going to hold the asset? whether it is a mountain of salt, bars of gold or a billion barrels of oil. You either have something as unbacked and decentralised or centralised and backed. Unbacked is just another fiat in another form. Bitcoin is said to be capped - but then how many times has it forked? It is multiple forks of 'thin air' that took a country's worth of electricity to validate.
  21. i didn't mention digital but i would classify crypto as a subset of digital currencies. i am involved in Kinesis - a gold and silver currency system on the Kinesis blockchain. The Indonesian government has defined it as 'digital physical gold' (and silver) and keeping away from the definition of crypto at the moment seems like a good idea.
  22. The United States fiat dollar is "backed by the full faith and credit of the United States" - it draws its value from the worth of the country, the tax generative capacity of that government, so although us crackpots say it is unbacked, it isn't quite except the United States went bankrupt in 1931, it has over $200 trillion in liabilities and there almost certainly isn't any gold in Fort Knox. i think the US credit card is well and truly max'd out. A national crypto is simply a blockchain currency. It is the medium of exchange. This could be backed by the full faith and credit of Timbuctoo or wherever - there again each unit of the blockchain could be backed by allocated or unallocated assets such as gold. When the fiat system blows up, is another fiat system going to be accepted? Currencies are about confidence. Today currencies are a confidence trick. Backing does not need to be full backing - certainly when the UK was on the gold standard the currency was not 100% backed but at least it had some backing. It was around 46% before WWI. The British Empire ran on the gold standard - the world was undergoing tremendous growth - not hampered by the gold standard - quite the opposite. This was a stabilising force. 'Flexibility' as it occurs in the real world i see as a banker and politician's con trick. It means being able to spend what you haven't got - to run up debt to cripple future generations - to steal savings through inflation. It means banks can conjure currency up for $quadrillions of speculation. In the article below it describes the period 1870 - 1914 as the most perfect gold standard. Then came the massive folly of WWI which was the beginning of the end of the British Empire. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanlewis/2013/01/03/the-1870-1914-gold-standard-the-most-perfect-one-ever-created/?sh=4fc390444a6a
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