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Everything posted by Oldun

  1. I think there are bigger concerns. What if sovereigns lose their CGT free status…..? The gov is already reducing the CGT annual allowance amongst other tools they have to claw back the half a trillion quid they spunked on covid measures, let alone the national debt now subject to ever increasing interest rates to pay it down. That is one hell of an overdrawn credit card…..30 years in the making……hope everyone had fun.
  2. I think they will be harder to sell beyond its already inflated price as time goes by as the real proof sets are coming soon. But hey, what do I know ? Good luck either way
  3. Price got bumped from £725 to £850. with one available…..maybe it was off the website while they bumped the price or someone had it in their basket when you tried purchase so it came up as unavailable ?
  4. Right, I finally rang up and spoke with a very nice lady. What had happened is that a mail was sent to me explaining that Chards use Royal Mail and UPS for international delivery and that they did not want to use UPS as they have been a bit terrible with their service and wanted me to confirm if I was OK to change to the Royal Mail delivery. Alas, I never received the mail (god knows where it went) and that explained the delay as they were waiting for me to reply to an email I never received….so now, I have confirmed with Chards that I am ok with the Royal Mail tracked and everything is full steam ahead. I am very happy to say that Chards have been excellent now in both my dealings with them and I can recommend them to all here based on my experiences….whew !
  5. This is only my second purchase with Chards and the communication was excellent with my first purchase. Top notch, very good, along with the politeness and understanding. My second one was the same right up until Monday when I was left in limbo with communication.
  6. …..still no communication…..or reply to either of the two emails I sent (both now comfortably beyond their “reply within 24 hours” intentioned message in their autoreply…..such a shame….
  7. I can handle delays…jeez, I have shopped with the RM for years but it is the incorrect “ready for despatch, choose your despatch day” email followed by zero communication after having selected a now passed day that is the issue.
  8. I received an official email last Friday prompting me to select the date of despatch. I selected Monday. i have the email.
  9. Account still says awaiting despatch, yet last Friday an email came asking me to select from their calendar the despatch day as it was ready for despatch. I selected Monday…..then nothing. Imagine that is your £5.5K and then imagine my feelings. At best, it is an RM disease…the office isn’t communicating with despatch and noone is communicating with the poor sod who coughed up the money (me, in this case)…...at worst…I shudder to think…
  10. I mentioned chards in an earlier post…..tumbleweed….
  11. Still no tracking number or email explaining what is going on….
  12. Bully for you. That makes me even more perturbed that others are treated better. Up until now, Chards have been good with communication but are now in danger of leaving a bit of a taste in the mouth right at the most important part. No doubt, I will receive an email eventually apologisimg. However, why no communiaction about tracking numbers etc ? It is their system that asks for a date to be selected to despatch the item. I selected Monday and then nada… I mean how difficult is it to send a simple email saying the despatch is delayed or or informing me of whatever is going on ? Glass houses and all that.
  13. My 5 coin set from @ChardsCoinandBullionDealer was supposed to have been despatched last Monday but I have received no tracking number nor any communication whatsoever. I have emailed them and am waiting for a reply. I don’t see why I shoukd have to chase them. Totally unnecessary levels of stress caused.
  14. Having bought the 5 coin set, I have no problems with your scenario Very much looking forward to seeing the quintuple. I’m a glass half full kinda guy
  15. Does that mean a floor is in now on the prices ? If a dealer bought the remainder, no way will they flood the market. If RM “bought” them for a later “special” set release, we should know when the coronation proofs come out perhaps (although personally, I doubt they would have “bought the while lot…3,000 is a lot of “special” sets even for the RM)….or maybe Harry bought them as a prezzie for Megsy baby…..Time will tell….added three bullion 2022 double sovs today either way….
  16. I would be looking to any individual/company to be respectful and honest in their qc as with any purchase, be it clothing, or any goods. That is basic customer service. And if a company or individual cannot provide assurances in action or full refunds, then that company/individual is not trustworthy. Customer service 101 to my mind…obviously. It is not the end of my world if I receive a sub par thing but I do expect a full refund or mutually agreed equivalent nominal value item(s) as recompense, should any failure in the original legal agreement occur. I am not bound by accepting sub par products just for procuring a bit of supposed historical reference. But looking forward to a pristine set I have no reason to think otherwise.
  17. Time will tell. Everyone has anecdotal stories. I have never had a problem with any RM gold sov issues or secondary dealers. That is all
  18. To quote a Polish saying….”Not my circus, not my monkeys.” Anyway, back on track, the 5Sov with this design is the winner imho. Long term, they all are. Just a matter of patience. I mean I have bought sets of proof back in the day whose nominal price back then is now worth more in bullion spot price….good luck all. Great design, great coin
  19. Dropped another £5K on bullion as a hedge to balance it out. ….yeah…if…lol..quid pro quo…pardon?
  20. Chards is your friend re qc and was £40 cheaper Dropping just under £5K ish for the 5 coin set and to be fair, I have never received any bum coins personally over the decades and sovs are their forte. But this time, have gone with Chards.
  21. We have been around the block for a long time….genuinely, phrased that improperly. Forgot how the internet works. See you guys again in another few years. Over and out.
  22. No need to be upset. I have been here along with you for many years here on TSF. This time is the first time this particular time frame has been given for a sov, so it is worth discussion. If you have taken offense, my apologies. I could have phrased it better….
  23. I edited the same time you posted. Why don’t they put it in black and white as opposed to just talking to a customer on the phone ? The RM should be formalising this decision if it is a real decision. No offense intended btw As I said, my account t managers have been fine with me over the years so please understand.
  24. Do Managers speak for the actual decision makers at the RM ? Are they willing to actually stand by that statement as managers and put it in writing or is this a ploy that costs nothing to use you as a mouthpiece ? If it is a locked in decision, surely, the RM would have no problem stating this on their website, formally ? Ido ot wish to besmirch the RM managers as they have been brilliant with me but why not just put it in black and white somewhere ?
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