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world gold coins


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seems every country has gold coins, ducats, pesos,rands, turkey, uk ,Italy,iran , the list is endless

all seem to have a selection of coins measuring around 22 mm

are they all easy to resell , or are some of them none starters and should be given a wide birth



they do say buy what you like  and I quite like the world gold coins


seen a guy on you tube who has cased his world gold coins in a sort of 2 inch see through case where the coin can be seen on both sides with a foam/sponge surrounding the coin   very nice   bit different to capsules


mr-dead has a very interesting storage/display method which sounds like the sort of thing you describe.


Buy 'em if you like them, shouldn't be bogged down about looking for the most re-sellable in the future otherwise you end up with a load of gold lacking a load of examples you really like but won't buy because of a reduced market.


There's a couple of people here who have 2 catagories - buy for resale explicitly or buy for personal enjoyment. I'd highly suggest doing that.


Do you want to offload later for smelt/scrap value or do you want to sell privately for any numismatic gain.  If the former, buy anything you want.  For the latter there will be some which appreciate and others which will do nothing.  Some will appreciate more than others.


It's not that much different from silver really.


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