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Royal Mail - Latest Small Print

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RM Pricing/Cover from 2nd April - The Small Print

Although most TSF members will be aware of the forthcoming RM price rises, other than the 6-7% in standard prices there has been precious little news/comment on RMSD and none that I have seen regarding "Signed" compensation. After thoroughly reading the latest price booklet from my local PO...

  • RMSD prices are rising by an average 70%
  • Compensation for "Signed" has been reduced from £50 to £20

Claims for loss/non-delivery of, for example, 1oz silver coins have previously been honoured by Royal Mail - cheerio to that. This is printed below the "UK Signed" title on page 6 - no bold type, underlining etc. Small print only. Free cover on International Postage remains unchanged at £50.

I'm sure that the huge hike in RMSD is, at least partially, down to the RM's continuing failure to meet its Next Day by 1pm guarantee - and subsequently being obliged to refund postage to anybody who can be arsed to claim.

Edited by PapaLazarou

‘Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out.’

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In my opinion, those who was so petty to keep claiming, have got themselves to blame for all these price hike. I have stated it before that as far as I am concern, there is no other package that covers compensation up to the value of gold etc so Special delivery is used and all I care about is that it is delivered. One day later, what is the big problem. ( I bet you get idiots who have claimed because it arrived less than an hour late).  These will be the same people who will drop their tv and make a claim and then complain that insurance rises each year.   

Never Chase and Never Regret 

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53 minutes ago, PapaLazarou said:

✔️ Just so. I believe "RMSD 72 hours" would be a popular service.

Did not notice that there was a choice, Need to go and have a look. Cheers, if it is cheaper, good for buyers

Never Chase and Never Regret 

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