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Bank swap


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Just wondering if anyone else uses the bank swap cash offers to get cheap gold? Currently there are a few banks offering a £200 “bribe” to swap bank accounts with them. You can do it with an old account too if you have a spare one. I’ve just bought a 1/4oz gold Britannia and used the £200 offer so was able to pick it up for £218 posted. You can find all the offers in one place on the money saving expert website.

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1 hour ago, Apmex100 said:

Just wondering if anyone else uses the bank swap cash offers to get cheap gold? Currently there are a few banks offering a £200 “bribe” to swap bank accounts with them. You can do it with an old account too if you have a spare one. I’ve just bought a 1/4oz gold Britannia and used the £200 offer so was able to pick it up for £218 posted. You can find all the offers in one place on the money saving expert website.

You normally got to use the switcher service and it closes your old account. Terms will usually be £1000+ in monthly and minimum number of direct debits for ultitlies and bills. It's doable and cash to be had. Just be double sure to read the terms. And conditions what you need to do. Don't be loyal to any bank these days, you should have in the bank these days is an overdraft.

Sub to the forums on Martin Lewis money saving expert MSE there'lots who have the freeby bagging down to a fine art. I did them all for the bonus sign up years ago 

If you've a few thousand spare in cash liquid it's very easy to do them for the sign ups 

If you're re after free money bonuses look up Bonus Bagging by Mike Cruikshank then onto his Profit maximiser product, there's a grand plus of value and knowledge there doing bookies sign up bonus and beyond 

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