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Never gave this any thought until I started accumulating a few coins. Only noticed today when I handled a Kangeroo, not literally, in a capsule. It is in a 33mm Quickslab. The coin has a supposed diameter of 32.6mm.

Turning the slab over the coin would fall onto the bottom face. So what I am getting at really is the capsule insert size. Should one always go the next mm size down? The Kangeroo is now in a 32mm insert and does not move at all.


Right as an add on to the question I posed above I have an additional one. I thought it would be nice to shown my QB coins in a display tray. I was thinking of getting the Lechtturm display box type of thing where it has 20 sections each sized to take a QUADRAM capsule.

Eventually could hold a full set of QB and TBs. I know I can get a coin tray/drawer from them to take 33mm capsules but was thinking if I got the 20 per tray Quadrum setup it would all look uniform over all coins stored., ie 30mm Maple leafs, 32mm Pandas etc

And finally repeating original question the Kangeroo best size capsule 32mm or 33mm


On 20/10/2022 at 10:26, Bogart said:

I thought it would be nice to shown my QB coins in a display tray. I was thinking of getting the Lechtturm display box type of thing where it has 20 sections each sized to take a QUADRAM capsule.

Yep I like the Leuchtturm Quadrum option and display case.  They used to do a 12x which is perfect for QB, but 20 for QB + TB without the completer(s) sounds a good option.

Also this box but currently out of stock and a bit on the pricey side.


I did see another box specifically for QB, that had 11 spaces. Again this was out of stock. May never be again in stock as the QBs are not current. I would imagine some TB boxes might appear at some point. Hence decision to go for the 20 Quadrum option.

Leuchtturm stuff tends to be of good quality with few alternatives.

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