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Colloidal Silver vs Ionic Silver.

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I'm planning to make my own Colloidal Silver at home. I have been researching and this is what I have found:

- Ionic Silver: Ionic means that the silver doesn’t have the right number of electrons, and will be looking for something to bond with. In one laboratory study using real cells, ionic silver was more likely to be attracted to other charged particles and accumulate.

- Colloidal Silver (non-ionic): 15-50 PPM. Advantage: Flow through and exit the body. The small size of nanoparticles means passing through cell walls and other places—which is really important when you want it to reach further, and, importantly, leave and not accumulate.

However, I came across this website which states the following:




Do you think their claim could be valid? I was discouraged when I read that.....

Please let me know your thought as I have seen many YouTube videos and articles which claim to make Colloidal Silver using electrolysis.

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