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what cant be fake,d


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looking at some philarmonics on e bay  and some bars  rand  I think they are,  both sellers have good feedback  , but I wondered  are coins too much hassle to copy, the phils have a very intricate pattern on em , are bars more easy toi forge,

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I found a seller on the Bay listing a wide selection of fake bars, many with intricate designs.

Higher premium products will invite fakers more than low premium products.

Check dealer prices before buying from eBay and only buy from trustworthy sellers.

Until you know your seller be willing to test for silver if you think you have bagged a bargain.

The risk of receiving plated and replica coins is growing so I started a thread listing dodgy eBayers.

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There's nothing which can't be faked, all that you can do is buy from trusted sources & if you gamble then test the product as thoroughly as possible.

I concur with Ares.

If they can fake Rolex watches to the point where experts have to open the back to look at the movement, then they can fake anything.

Stacker since 2013

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Craig, with the greatest of respect, may I suggest you do a search of the forum prior to starting a new post. There are numerous threads on different aspects of fake silver that you could have posted on.


Stacker since 2013

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Yeah, there isn't a design which is too complex to fake, no coin which anyone can say "There's no way they can fake this" unless they start implementing forms of micromachining or smaller.


Besides, if there was a coin which was claimed to be impossible to forge, it would probably be the most sought after design to forge because of it.

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oohh best shoot off to silver stackers , no grief on that site , people just happy to post despite duplicate threads BYE BYE

I made a civil and polite request, in an attempt to keep similar threads in the same place to assist other people in finding information.

I didn't criticise or single you out.

I feel your decision is a tad extreme, but it is your decision all the same.

Stacker since 2013

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