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has any one used these before


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morning all . has anyone of you fine people used this german dealer before . i got it off the dealer list http://www.heubach-edelmetalle.de/


and can some one tell me the best and cheepest way of buying from such a sight , exchange rates , bank transfer , paypal and such . thank you


Used them several times. Need to use a currency broker to pay them. If you translate the page on-the-fly, it doesn't checkout properly. You have fill in your details before taking translation off in order for it to successfully checkout.

From beginning to end its usually 7-10 days.


thank you young man , excuse my ignorance but whats a money broker 


usually the wife just takes it off me and i get a bag of liqourice and a cream cake in return . im sure im getting had but im so week for sweet


You need to pay by bank transfer. Your bank will bend you over on exchange rate and fee so it is best to use a third party such as Currency Fair or Transferwise. There are others as well and all these guys will give you a much better rate and a much lower fee.


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