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This morning I spent 1/2 hour looking up again at 'the all in costs' of Miners, and what it may mean, I have not just gone to the usual places (eg Siver Bugs sites)  but have gone to Business journalist, stockbrocker, and a silver bug site for a varied view and it is a varied view.  






3 http://www.ibtimes.com/ceo-coeur-mining-inc-silver-mining-company-talks-markets-returns-corporate-culture-qa-1533908


4  http://silverseek.com/commentary/2013-full-year-results-top-primary-miners-real-cost-produce-silver-13222


What I have taken from my search is Silver may have a way to go yet.  Please read and come to your own conclusions as it may be different to mine.




ECB meet about interest rates today, could be interesting...or not.

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.


I have come across this excellent article in the Wall street Journal, Its about Ludwig Von Mises, and Money control, inflation, deflation, Government interference.  It is an excellent read and will only take 5 mins. I believe it gives an account of why we are in the mess we are today.




Well seen as Keith hasn't had a go I will,


The main reason oil has come down is the Saudis have increased production to keep market share (re US Fracking), this has angered other OPEC members esp Venezuela.  The reason for the Saudis to do this is to stop investment in Fracking, profits from fracking are marginal at $100, below that price I can not see anyone investing into fracking.  


I don't know how long oil will stay this cheap, as demand will only grow from developing countries, and if the Saudis have done a deal with the US GOVERNMENT for cheap oil?  


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