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OLD Spot Direction Competition Rules

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  • Founder & Administrator


The Rules:


  • The aim is to predict if the Spot price of silver at close of trading on the Friday of the current week, as listed by silverprice.org, will be higher, lower, or sideways, compared to the closing price the previous week.
  • Predictions must be made in GBP only by 23:59 GMT on the Thursday of each week. Late entries will not be included.
  • By GMT we mean the time on our servers, each post has a time stamp and we go by this. This may or may not take into account summer time savings, so please pay attention to what time the time stamps are saying so that you enter on time.
  • Those who predict correctly can enter the following round the next week where the game will repeat.
  • The game repeats each week until only 1 person makes a correct prediction, thus winning the game. If no one predicts the correct price movement in any round, that round will be replayed.
  • Higher means spot increased by 8p or more on the previous close.
  • Sideways means silver has not gained or lost any more than 8p on the previous close.
  • Lower means spot decreased by 8p or more on the previous close.
  • Posts in a game thread will be excluded if they are edited at any time after they are submitted. If you make a typo, PM the admin who is running the competition to correct it for you.
  • Each week that the competition is running, the previous weeks spot price and the exact bands defining Higher, Lower and Sideways will be listed, and the names of the winners of the previous round who are eligible to play that week, (Unless it is the first week of a new competition) will be posted to the game thread. A new game thread will be started for each round.
  • Admins, moderators or any other staff of TheSilverForum.com, or sponsors thereof can play, but are not eligible to win any prizes. In the event that an admin, moderator, staff or sponsor is the only player to make a correct guess at any point during the game, then that round will be replayed without them. If we reach a point where one forum member and one admin, moderator, staff or sponsor are the only two remaining players, that member will be deemed to have won the prize, although the final round will still be played for bragging rights!
  • Rules are subject to change at the discretion of TheSilverForum.com
  • Disclaimer: every effort will be made to avoid mistakes, but players accept that they still may occur. It is meant as entertainment only and as such TheSilverForum.com accepts no responsibility for damages or losses which may arise. Moderators decision on the outcome of the competition is final.
  • Members have to place their entries themselves, another member or moderator is unable to place an entry on their behalf.(applicable from 4th spot direction competition and onwards)

My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

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