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We need a UK Coin show

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We need a UK coin show. Over the last few years I have visited every ‘major’ (Coinex, London, York, Midlands, Others) coin show in the UK and to be honest they have all left me wanting more. I’m not suggesting an event as grand as the Berlin World Money Fair or the ANA’s World Fair of Money, but surely we can do better than the current offerings?

There seems to be more and more younger stackers, bullion heads and modern collectible coin buyers around (I have three adult sons, all of which stack as do a good proportion of their friends plus their assorted partners etc) but the existing UK shows just leave them cold. I took Number 2 son to a London show last year and his first comment was that it was (and I quote) “Full of grubby little obsessed men that are all older than you Dad”

And he’s right. Surely we can do better than that? I have a small hope that the London coin show’s move to Novatel London West this June (a much, much better venue with huge potential) will kickstart this need, but it is only a small hope.

What do you think folks?

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