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Hi all,

Just wanted to ask if any of you have ever been to Ardingly Antique and Collectors Fair?

I am curious to go. Does anyone have ever been there and if yes, is it worth it on terms of precious metals?

I would be grateful for some advice🙏🏻



I have only been to ones up north, Newark and Swinderby when it was on prior to Newark. These are basically the same, just different location. These have a wide range of everything from ceramics to salvage, nearly new and very old. Never really noticed any coins/ numismatics, not really what these are known for.

36 minutes ago, Petra said:

I have only been to ones up north, Newark and Swinderby when it was on prior to Newark. These are basically the same, just different location. These have a wide range of everything from ceramics to salvage, nearly new and very old. Never really noticed any coins/ numismatics, not really what these are known for.

Hi Petra,

Sure. Thank you very much for the information. Much appreciated.

In other words, no sense to go and pay £20. Or at least for the experience.




When I last went I was collecting certain ceramics so was always worth going for a look. For the money it is a good day out. You have to have an idea about what you’re looking for or it is too easy to get overwhelmed i. e. Know when to keep walking rather than perusing! 

1 minute ago, Dickensa29 said:

I can see that happening with me being oberwhelmed 😂 I have been to much smaller ones (up to 20 stalls) and nice few hours spent there 😎

Ha! ha! 20 stalls! Newark is a little larger than Ardingly and in one ‘shed’ there were probably 40 plus stalls. There are literally 100s of stalls which is why you have to be selective!😮🫣

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