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Mail scare yesterday

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I had been tracking a package with some silver coins in it that I had ordered, and knew it was supposed to be on it's way to be delivered yesterday. I was in the backyard when the mail carrier came by, but by the time I could get down to the mailbox she had already driven away. With great anticipation I opened the mailbox door, and there it was, just regular junk mail but no package. Hmm, what's the deal? So I look at the tracking number again, and sure enough it says it's supposed to be delivered by the post office. After about 30 minutes, I checked again, but this time it says the package had been delivered. I called the post office and all they can tell me is that it's showing as having been delivered. They said they'd call the carrier and ask her directly. About an hour goes by so I call them again. They still haven't been able to contact her because her phone carrier has no service out where I live. Two more hours go by, I call them back, same story, and she's still not returned to the post office yet. They now insist that they have a satellite pinpoint of the EXACT location the package was placed, but are unable to tell me. Apparently, when the carrier scans the tracking code, their satellite knows the precise location it was scanned. About an hour later she finally comes back to my house, baffled that she doesn't know where she delivered it. Eventually, she drives around and finds out that she had left it at the next house down the road. This was at 7:30 at night, which is normally WAY later than they're out delivering. I have my number on my box in 4 locations, even 1 on the inside of the door of the box. But, I was certainly relieved to get my order of ASEs and my first Libertad of the year.


You should probably buy a lottery while you're luck is up!


I've had USPS deliver to the wrong house, and claim to know exactly where it was via satellite location. However my local PO just says "what do you want us to do about it?"

There's no chance my mailman would be anywhere near my house at 7.30PM - lazy bunch of Newmans.

Glad you could add to the stack.


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