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Royal Mint discounts five silver coins for January


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Some great deals from the Royal Mint on five 2014 silver coins http://agaunews.com/?p=16778

Not sure how popular these are here, but the savings are significant enough that you might be interested, although admittedly the starting price did need a healthy trim to begin with.. :P


Looks like the artist caught Dylan after a day and a night on the lash!.......... No wonder they are having to discount it in order to move it  


At the time of the release I had to look at the coin and description twice to ensure that I had not accidently linked to a new coin in a Doctor Who series of intergalactic baddies. 


In the end I settled for a more befitting commemoration  of Dylan, and which has got more taste than the RMs offering 




When I red through the coins it reminds me of a certain TV programme on C4.


With me the only that stands out is the heading DEAL.


Well for me its NO DEAL.


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