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I've had a user state all my pictures need to be name and dated. I just wanted to see if that was a policy on TSF when selling items? I don't want to be breaking any forum rules in my first week...


This is in the Quick-Start guide - so it does not seem to be mandatory:

"Including a photo of your items for sale is very useful, it is also helpful, especially for new members, to include a piece of paper with the date and your forum username on it in the photo."


20 minutes ago, MJHughes said:

I've had a user state all my pictures need to be name and dated. I just wanted to see if that was a policy on TSF when selling items? I don't want to be breaking any forum rules in my first week...

It is not stated in Guidelines of TSF.

It is useful for members with low feedback history or low activity on forum to show that the items are "in hand" at the moment of selling.

Your membership is Business Platinum, so there are not any doubts about the items you are selling on forum.😊


8 hours ago, James32 said:

I done it at the beginning and then got lazy most likely. 


"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

From the moment you are born, the number of people in the world who are older than you only ever gets smaller.

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