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  • Join The Silver Forum

    The Silver Forum, established in 2014, is the world's largest independent precious metals forum, managed in English, with over 23,000 members and 1.2 million posts. It is one of the only forums to be officially recognised by a large selection of industry specialists and representatives. Join for FREE to explore sponsor deals, members trade section, and engage with the community. Get access to community-driven insights on silver, gold, and investing. :) Sign up for a FREE account today! Optional Premium Membership with many benefits available.

Pledge your support - The Gold Forum. Limited membership seats available. Up to 82% discounted for TSF members. Waitlist.🔥

Message added by ChrisSilver,

Launch planned early Q1 2025
Within 24 hours of first posting we already had around 106 interested Members (~20% of seats taken) 🥳 

Current Running Total around 273 (54.6% of 500) 💥

Founding membership will close for new applicants when we have reached 500 or so. There are a maximum of 500-600 founding member seats. Actual total depends when we close the founding member round. The founding member round will be closed before launch, so get on the waitlist now if you are interested :) no payment needed until launch. This is a great opportunity to become a member of the private app based community with a massive discount off of the full price for 'Founding Members' Thank you to everyone who has shown positive interest so far.

For internal reference: count up until and including SovWhat1819 post on page 20

PLEASE check that your name is on the final collated list here.

Recommended Posts

6 hours ago, ChrisSilver said:

Alun, did you want to be in?

We can include you in the list and then let you know the details during onboarding when we private message you :) 

Yes, carry on please.

  • Founder & Administrator
8 minutes ago, jrb said:

Too late to be in ? 🤔

Thank you for your interest. The Founding Member period is still open. :) 

Would you like a seat? 

My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

Please Follow / Like / Share to help spread the word of The Silver Forum:
TSF Instagram - TSF YouTube channel - TSF Facebook pageTSF Twitter page - TSF Threads (used for sever status updates)

Discounts / Offers
COTR Vouchers for Premium Members

Official TSF branded NGC label via COR grading
50% discount off of TSF mugs for Platinum Premium Members. (see info in Platinum Lounge)
Platinum Premium Members: Offers from selected Dealers - 15 dealers currently in the programme


Happy to support the new site Chris. Please add my name to the list.

The closer the collapse of an Empire, the crazier it's laws - Marcus Tullius Cicero

We had the warning in 2006-9 but central banks ignored it and just added new worthless debt to existing worthless debt to create worthless debt squared – an obvious recipe for disaster. - Egon von Greyerz




Not sure if I've done this right still finding my way round.

I would prefer to see this site extended to include gold if that's possible, it's pretty much the same game with different metals, I don't know if I could keep up with 2 forums.

I've only recently upgraded from collecting copper and brass to silver and gold, so I would prefer it in one spot,(no pun intended), but I'm a newbie so just ignore my rambling!

  • Founder & Administrator
2 minutes ago, ADiHD said:

Not sure if I've done this right still finding my way round.

I would prefer to see this site extended to include gold if that's possible, it's pretty much the same game with different metals, I don't know if I could keep up with 2 forums.

I've only recently upgraded from collecting copper and brass to silver and gold, so I would prefer it in one spot,(no pun intended), but I'm a newbie so just ignore my rambling!

Members can still buy/sell Gold on TSF :) 

There are a few small updates that have happened, so I will try to post a topic soon with a more condensed and concise updates. We are still working on some things though before launch. 

If you are looking for Gold to buy on TSF please do check out the trade section here. For your convenience here is the link to the UK Trade section: https://www.thesilverforum.com/forum/115-uk-only/

My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

Please Follow / Like / Share to help spread the word of The Silver Forum:
TSF Instagram - TSF YouTube channel - TSF Facebook pageTSF Twitter page - TSF Threads (used for sever status updates)

Discounts / Offers
COTR Vouchers for Premium Members

Official TSF branded NGC label via COR grading
50% discount off of TSF mugs for Platinum Premium Members. (see info in Platinum Lounge)
Platinum Premium Members: Offers from selected Dealers - 15 dealers currently in the programme

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