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Paper Trail


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Just wondering if you all keep all the paper work that comes with your pm purchases?


So far ive kept every single receipt and email to prove ownership and authenticity.




I have most from my big orders, and eBay purchase history for most others.

I have bought a lot from forums in the past, so short of printing PM's there isn't a paper trail.

Do you just keep them because you can, or for a specific reason? Why would you need to prove ownership?

Stacker since 2013


At the moment I have a fair bit of gold bullion,  I think being able to prove it was acquired legally may be beneficial in the future.


I always print a similar ebay sale, for purchases off of forums, private sales, just change the buy price and shipping charge, I'm also very against keeping purchase info on computers , rather have paper trail that I can hide , if found people may know what I have bought, but will never know what I may have sold or disposed of

  • Founder & Administrator

I have bought from various people on forums, and a lot of different dealers. I haven't got that much precious metals and I haven't printed out receipts from every bullion purchase. But I have the emails, and I have printed a few.


Unfortunately in the UK the government can seize all of your assets, and unless you can prove you bought it legally your unlikely to get any of it back.

When safe deposit boxes where raided by Police a lot of people who had family jewellery etc passed down generations and were keeping it "safe" where unable to get their belongings that were legally theirs back for a long time, some were properly never able to recover their property.

There have been multiple occasions of police raids on safe deposit boxes. And although this might be good against fighting crime it also has an effect on honest ordinary people. UK law assumes you made that money illegally unless you can prove it. Guilty until proved innocent.

Take a read of this relatively recent news. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/model-wont-get-cash-and-jewels-back-from-police-after-it-was-seized-judge-rules-9042067.html A russian supermodel was unable to claim back her jewellery.

My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

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