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Was £724 The Golden Opportunity


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missed buying gold at £724  per oz a few months ago  I think an opm 1 oz bar was around £770 or so at atkinsons and sovs were around £189   does anyone think that the price will get back to those levels?  stopped buying silver for the moment and have £400 spare in my account after all bills are paid  with some surplus

im only seeing at the moment £760-£770 range  its becoming very boring 


I know some will repyl to  stop watching the price as its a long term thing ..I know that

it was a good price though   lowest for 4 years


Craig, as you know it's anybody's guess.

You'll get people to say it will drop back, others will say it's going to the moon. They both hold the same credibility.

In a couple of months time you will be moaning that it's over £800 and saying you should have bought at £760.

Or maybe you will be laughing and buying at £690.

Stacker since 2013


yes I know , some people can handle short term loss and some cant ,   I should really look at sovs in a different light  from pm dealers even at £200

saw a jewellers in Sheffield the other day selling some sovs in the window   looked like sovs that had been sold to them by the public  don't think they were anything special 

they were around £350  and £170 for half sovs    


something did seem strange about them  they didn't seem very thick  in fact quite thin  


The general public think sovereigns have a high value, because of jewellery ect , and most think that the older the coin the higher the price,


right ive got mi credit card with mi  , where shall I look  sov for under £189 delivered  can I do it  ,is it possible ,, any tips on a site that may sell for that price


right ive got mi credit card with mi  , where shall I look  sov for under £189 delivered  can I do it  ,is it possible ,, any tips on a site that may sell for that price


Not possible.


1) Special Delivery will cost the dealer £6 or so

2) I don't know of any dealers which will take payment for gold using a credit card


right ive got mi credit card with mi , where shall I look sov for under £189 delivered can I do it ,is it possible ,, any tips on a site that may sell for that price

Have a look at the gold sovereigns thread, plenty of details of suppliers and prices on there.




I do love searching the forum for you because it's really easy.

Stacker since 2013


ok that must bring me to hgm or atkinsons, around £195 any other contenders

Did you read the threads I posted?

Specifically the first one?

Stacker since 2013


Scrap price of sovereign £181.16. And you want one delivered for under £189.00 . ?


Scrap price of sovereign £181.16. And you want one delivered for under £189.00 . ?


Craig will buy one for spot on eBay, he's good at finding deals.

Stacker since 2013


Craig, I say this with the greatest respect, your attitude will get you taken to the cleaners, you will end up buying fakes. The amount of times I have read about people getting great deals at under spot and on ebay , only to find they have bought crap. It is better to build up a network of people to trade with ,over several years, rather than try to screw people to the floor with lowball deals, and not be welcome back . Dirt cheap is sometimes just dirt


List up the prices from where you can get 'em & pick the cheapest. first rule. Don't worry about a few quid difference, the spot price can sneeze and recover that.


calm down lads were only talking of £6 quid   im a customer of atkinsons of 3 purchases  all im saying is  , before I press confirm order  is there a better deal out there ,  £195 sovs is a lot of money as Arthur would say 

I don't buy off e bay much , what im saying is that dealers all charge different amounts for the same coin

that's all 

tes marginal but £196 at some places £210 at others that's all same coin


For the benefit of others (assuming you plan to do some investigation), please let others know where you find the cheapest deal.

I do fear that you are cutting down your options though, both by requiring credit card payment and needing to buy from a "more reputable source".

Stacker since 2013


youre not really getting this are you  but for the hard of hearing ill spell it out for you




I never mentioned e bay or scanking anyone

ill go with £194 I think and that may be hgm  £186 plus delivery


Who lit the fuse on your tampon?

All I see is people taking their time to give you advice, people who have been stacking a lot longer than you have.

People have taken their time to post up links to threads (which you could have searched for yourself), and to try and advise you that cheapest is not always best.

Stacker since 2013


sorry youre not making sense, then so why would  gold and silver ni interest me as that was suggested  but it may be the cheapest but I don't know of them,

i sked if hgm and atkinsons could be beaten   youre obviously not listening


why support a dealer even you haven't heard of


I give up.

I'm not wasting any more of my time trying to help and advise you, only to be criticised for it.

I think you are going to run out of people that are willing to help you fairly quickly if you conduct yourself like that.

I gave you links to other forum posts before you even mentioned HGM, maybe you should take more time on your initial post and explain fully.

And as for supporting a dealer I haven't heard of, I linked them because you asked for cheaper dealers - they try to beat other dealers prices, what more do you want?

A forum is a place for other people to recommend dealers, I linked you to a post that recommended them. Do I have to have used them myself?

You are ungrateful, but I still like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.

Stacker since 2013


I have just read this thread, TBH craig12 the advise people have given you on this forum, is good sound advise.  Maybe the advise given is because of there own experience in the past.  


Remember Gold bullion is sold at small profit margins.

There are Fakes coins and bars out there.

When you find good sources to buy from eg Atkinsons, HGM, you add them to a list a good suppliers. Danny-boy has given you some others.

It does not matter if you have spent £190 or £193 on a sov in 15 - 20 years time will you say this one only cost me £190 I saved 3 pounds on that.   


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