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Is The Spook Stuff All Fake


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does anyone know if the spooksters, ie keiser, celente, dollar to crash brigade

are they right or are they wrong,  seems they always extend  the year its gunna happen  2011, 2012,2013,2014,2015, where next  I hear that gereld celentes subscribers are questioning gerelds knowledge and not re subscribing to the trends journal

do they have expert knowledge,  the thing I cant understand  is that the 16 trillion debt of the usa 

dosent seem to affect anything


the big thing they talk of is that when interest rates start to rise  then its  gunna get really bad



are they right or wrong



Wrong.   There are a billion ways to keep the staus quo trundling along. Debt is only an issue if the lender recalls the loan. Something that will NEVER happen.


They will be right one day.

Yup, but there's thousands of people who have millions depending on the balance of the status quo and the power and influence to keep it that way.

Myself I don't give a toss what any of them say, let them all circle jerk about what they predict is going to happen for all I care. If there's a person with a large audience telling his audience to do something "for their benefit", it's hugely likely - generally - to result in the doom merchant earning more from his audiences stupidity/fear/lack of independent thought, take your pick.


bit of bad news on my part then as I was only getting into pms  due to the  shtf scenario or banks steeling my cash I have to question my stacking as im not a collector


Full collapse of the monetary system. Not likely.   In a SHTF scenario I would be more worried about preparation of resources than stacking wealth.  There won't be enough to go around with 60+ million people on this island.

Banks will not steal your cash.  The government could do as a last resort but although we have huge debts we are far from melt down.


In theory, the dollar could crash, but it probably won't, not anytime soon. If it did, lets say by the end of the day today something happened and by next Monday the dollar was worth practically nothing. Do you have enough stacked precious metals? Because you can expect a major event like this is going to halt the commodity markets so you'd best hope you have enough. How much is enough? What are you now going to do with them? 


In the meantime the banks are still stealing your cash, and they are doing it every day whilst smiling and shaking your hand. They are tying your children and your grandchildren and beyond into a life of debt and servitude. That is why you stack PMs - because its good to have some diverse assets with no counter-party risk


In the meantime the banks are still stealing your cash, and they are doing it every day whilst smiling and shaking your hand. They are tying your children and your grandchildren and beyond into a life of debt and servitude. That is why you stack PMs - because its good to have some diverse assets with no counter-party risk


Can you elaborate on this.  I've never followed all this banking/debt/crisis blah blah stuff so I don't quite understand.  I stack for fun and not to preserve my wealth in a physical format.


Banks steal via inflation. They create money. This drives the purchasing power of your cash downwards: Introducing new money into the money supply effectively drives the value of everything else upwards compared to money. Of course it takes time for the additional money in the system to lead to higher prices, so what happens is that the first people to receive the money get the benefits, and by the time the money filters down to the ordinary man, price increases have negated any benefit of a larger cash supply. The first beneficiaries of extra money are usually the banks. Just look at QE. 


Of course as we have seen when it all goes wrong, the banks will still be bailed out by governments or even by citizens. They always win, and will continue to do so.


There's an old saying that an ounce of gold will always buy you a decent suit. It would today because you won't find a decent handmade suit for less than £600, and frankly you are looking at a bit more for better fabrics and more options. Back in the days when gold was $35/oz, well you could still get a very nice suit for $35. Thats inflation for you. If you'd kept your ounce of gold from back then, you could still get fitted for suit and have change for a shirt today. But if you'd banked that $35 dollars back in the day, today it would barely get you a set of cufflinks.


I don't know how they "create money" but banks are a business.  You don't have to use banks if you don't want to but if you do, they want to make money out of you.

Banks have gone wrong recently because they've been run by idiots.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that if you create unaffordable debt and then sell the debt on, it's going to come and bite everyone on the ass.

Banks will always win because we need them in this kind of society.  We should regulate the ass out of them but the government won't because they want to keep everyone happy.


bit of bad news on my part then as I was only getting into pms  due to the  shtf scenario or banks steeling my cash I have to question my stacking as im not a collector


Mate the banks are stealing your cash. If you have spare money, PM's are a good investment but that's all they are, they aren't magic and won't save your life in such a scenario. PM's will climb in years to come, and imo it will match or (more likely) beat inflation by a nice margin, but don't worry so much that you stop enjoying your life.


morezone, you may or may not want to do any further research on sovereign debt, central banking etc, I find it utterly fascinating


Banks in theory are good. The original purpose of a bank was somewhere to store your money, and when you wanted your money, the bank gave it back to you. The bank would in the meantime use some of the money deposited with it to provide loans, for which it would charge interest. The bank could never loan out more money than it actually had because money was actual coinage and banks couldn't mint extra coins just like that. That is what a bank was supposed to be.


I was going to write a massive massive post about this, but I fear I am not a good teacher and would probably do more harm than good. I would throughly recommend you get a cuppa, maybe a biscuit, and if you haven't already seen it watch this:




I also highly recommend Murray Rothbard's book: "The Mystery of Banking" if you want to read more.




Common sense would say they may have a point, but as Ares said there are too many people (governments) who have a vested interest in keeping the plates spinning, and IMHO they can keep them spinning for a lot longer than many people think.

My advise for what its worth is keep buying and enjoy your hobby, but as I've said before don't put all your eggs in one basket.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.



Personally I feel the crash is at some point inevitable, and it's the reason I first started accumulating PM's.


No one really knows when it's gonna happen, they keep on coming up with weird and wonderful ways to prop up the system but this can't go on for ever, with debt at record highs and interest rates at record lows they're rapidly running out of cards, but as long as you can afford it in my mind precious metals are the best place to be, our governments and our bankers greed have got us where we are today I really don't trust them to get us out.


My bank now is a pile of gold and silver and as far as I'm concerned it's the safest bank in the world :)   


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