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The Jewel in the Crown

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No it's not a date run of old sovereigns in pristine condition, nor a solid oak presentation box bursting with Lunar series coins.


There she is.  This 1p piece that was my watershed moment.  Nothing was the same after that.  


My reading in the past about the neverending currency devaluation witnessed time and time again in history, and also with our own Pound Sterling, prompted me to rake around my coat pocket that was on the back of my chair.  Fondling through a few 5 and 10 Pound notes and some other change, I found the only coin in my hand that was intrinsically and inherantly worth something.  And that coin was this 1p, 97% copper, piece. 


That realisation, that at some point in the future (and highly likely in my lifetime) the only thing that would be worth something based on its elemental properties would be that small copper disc was huge.  I never turned back then.  It completely changed my perspective on wealth, and the preservation wealth.  At that point it was the embodiment of what is real, in a world full to the top with fakeness.  It was (and continues to be) the first symbol I have of a currency that used to mean something.


Cheers Liz.


In value terms, it's negligable I know.  But as a reminder it's priceless, and I'll never let it go.  Which coins do you have in your collection that reflect an important part in your life?






Unfortunately I don't have any of proper sentimental value.

I do have about 10kg of pre-1992 copper though.

Stacker since 2013


Thats mad! I started in exactly the same way, realizing a pre 92 copper was worth more than face value, then sorting them out from my change, then onto silver.


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