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  • danieldorkins changed the title to Just don't get it! (but maybe I do)

You don't say when year the Britannias were.

If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.

46 minutes ago, sixgun said:

You don't say when year the Britannias were.

Is this why I didn't get it! 😞 now ruin my evening!😞

2 were 1998 the others were 1999

I try to buy gold with my head and silver with my heart, sometimes..........I just get it wrong!

1 hour ago, danieldorkins said:

Is this why I didn't get it! 😞 now ruin my evening!😞

2 were 1998 the others were 1999

Call it a learning exercise. ;)

If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.

11 minutes ago, sixgun said:

Call it a learning exercise. ;)

I think I have realised this! was the exercise good value for money?😃

I try to buy gold with my head and silver with my heart, sometimes..........I just get it wrong!


Why would someone put 12 silver brits up as seperate lots in the first place?

"To get to where I need to be, I start by walking away from where I am."

From the moment you are born, the number of people in the world who are older than you only ever gets smaller.

38 minutes ago, Thelonerangershorse said:

Why would someone put 12 silver brits up as seperate lots in the first place?

To attract date run collectors would be my guess. I’d do it one at a time on eBay around 3 years back, sometimes two. Never had a problem in truth selling odd (or pairs of) coins. Could hold out for a higher and better selling price to a wider audience, even taking account of fees. 

Rarely use eBay now though, had separate issues selling some discs and a bike, where I went back to the buyers property to collect and offer refunds. It’s too much hassle.


The auction house will put coins up individually to get more money. Each coin is a ‘lot’ and there is a lottage  charge for each lot🤔😮

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