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Posted (edited)

A new mint, T&S Coin, has launched it's first coin:

Ukrainian coin designer Yuri Tikhonovsky has some previous form - https://www.behance.net/yura_tik
He's made designs for Germania Mint, Mint XXI, Art of Coins, etc.

This is what the NEW coin looks like:



Edited by WulfrunCoins
9 minutes ago, SilverPlatinum said:

That coin reminds me of lots of people on this earth.......

My friend, like you it makes my skin crawl seeing satanic ideology glorified

This item I don't believe glorifies satanic ideology, rather, it is showing that underneath the mask of beauty which is facing the world (the mainstream media we might call it) lies a dark heart full of Masonic and satanic intent. Like Justin Trudeau is a Canadian/Western democrat on the outside but a Chinese authoritarian on the inside

I don't know the intentions of the artist and art is often subjective but that is what this image says to me - beware the deception - not indulge in the deception. 

Mind is primary and mass-energy is derivative

2 hours ago, HonestMoneyGoldSilver said:

This item I don't believe glorifies satanic ideology, rather, it is showing that underneath the mask of beauty which is facing the world (the mainstream media we might call it) lies a dark heart full of Masonic and satanic intent. Like Justin Trudeau is a Canadian/Western democrat on the outside but a Chinese authoritarian on the inside

We have 2 of these on our side of the pond; Macron (ex Rothschild) and Sunak (ex Goldman Sachs)

13 hours ago, WulfrunCoins said:

These are beautifully designed pieces of art and valid representations of mythology, just like any other religious depictions

1 hour ago, Bigmarc said:

What do you think is the significance of the key on her forehead?

The most likely meaning in this context is power over the material world, rejection of traditional Christian values and the key to hell:

The symbol of the upside-down key, aka, "Key of Lucifer" or the "Infernal Key", has several associations with Baphomet, Satanism and the occult

WRT Baphomet, the upside-down key represents power and authority over the material world.

In Satanic symbolism, an upside-down key is sometimes seen as a representation of defiance, rebellion, and the rejection of traditional authority or religious norms. The inverted key may be used to challenge traditional religious values and express individualism or a rejection of societal constraints.

The upside-down key may also be a representation of the upside-down symbol for Phosphorous, itself being a representation of the fire and brimstone of hell

It can also be interpreted as the Antichrist to the keys of St Peter in Catholic mythology


Mind is primary and mass-energy is derivative

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