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How much it worth used assorted electrical wires

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Hi guys, i need advice please, i’m planning to invest on buying scarp electric wires for around a 1000 Canadian $ and sell it in Toronto as is, is it possible to get a profit of it? Any advice will be helpful. All details i have is as follows: 

Quantity - 70 bags of assorted: AC 90 Wire - QTY: 20 bags Romex wire - QTY: 45 bags T90 wire - QTY: 5 bags 

Thanks in advance 🙏




Edited by Yoni
Trying to make it more specific
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In other words, you have no idea what you are doing?

I wouldn't mind sharing some advice on this with you but I have no idea either. Why don't you contact your local buyers and ask them directly? E.g. this one https://www.talmetal.ca/recycling-services-toronto/scrap-wire-vaughan or any other you find on the internet...

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7 hours ago, CollectForFun said:

In other words, you have no idea what you are doing?

I wouldn't mind sharing some advice on this with you but I have no idea either. Why don't you contact your local buyers and ask them directly? E.g. this one https://www.talmetal.ca/recycling-services-toronto/scrap-wire-vaughan or any other you find on the internet...

Hey there, thanks for that, i called them and as we all can imagine they gave me the price/ Ib for each type of wire. At this point my only way to know my guaranteed profit is to get the exact weight of those wires before paying for it.
thanks for your time tho. 


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1 hour ago, Minted said:

You only get the best scrap price by stripping all the insulation from the wire first.  Looking at that lot, it'd take weeks of evenings and weekends.

Ya that would be a great deal i believe, but i don’t really have the space for that i live in apartment lol. 
if i at least can get the estimate weight would’ve been enough. 
thanks anyways 🙏🏽 

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I wonder if everyone here knows how members of the “unofficial caravan club of the Great Britain” strip wire?

Yup they just burn it…..works a treat but does create a lot of black smoke.  Which they seem to enjoy as the ones not so far from me seem to enjoy burning tyres in old oil drums.

Not my circus, not my monkeys

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3 hours ago, Bigmarc said:

I think the value of stripping of the wire is what the seller is hoping for, otherwise why don't he just weigh it in them selves? 


Hey Bigmarc, it a government property and they can’t just sell it, i found it on a bid that no one yet offered its currently 800c$ + tax so for now it’s almost a 1k in total you know transportation and all. I have no intention to spend more than that unless profit is guaranteed 

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1 hour ago, dicker said:

I wonder if everyone here knows how members of the “unofficial caravan club of the Great Britain” strip wire?

Yup they just burn it…..works a treat but does create a lot of black smoke.  Which they seem to enjoy as the ones not so far from me seem to enjoy burning tyres in old oil drums.

Wow i don’t know how they able to do it in a place like UK lol

I saw the other night a documentary on YouTube by a British guy in Ghana (Africa) and that was a nasty black smoke. Anyways the value will also decrease plus you have to work to clean for any residue of burnt plastic.


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3 minutes ago, Yoni said:

Wow i don’t know how they able to do it in a place like UK lol

I saw the other night a documentary on YouTube by a British guy in Ghana (Africa) and that was a nasty black smoke. Anyways the value will also decrease plus you have to work to clean for any residue of burnt plastic.


Just do it in Scunthorpe.... Nobody will notice the difference 

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4 hours ago, Yoni said:

Hey there, thanks for that, i called them and as we all can imagine they gave me the price/ Ib for each type of wire. At this point my only way to know my guaranteed profit is to get the exact weight of those wires before paying for it.
thanks for your time tho. 

Without knowing the weight of the bags, noone will be able to tell you if you can sell it with profit. Based on what I quickly found, the purchase price e.g. for Romex wire is ca. C$2.50/lb? So let's do a simple calculation and assume all 70 bags contain Romex wire, so 1000/70 gives C$14.30 minimum value per bag to break even, which means a bag must be over 14.30/2.50=5.7lb to give you that amount. Does it seem plausible? You may try experimenting filling a bag with wire like you see on the photo and weight it.

If you got a different quote, just run your own calculations and perhaps consider also transportation costs as all the bags will likely be quite heavy and big.

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Electric cable strippers can be bought on Ebay, Amazon etc.

Progress is a myth. Democracy is a sham. Dumbing down is real.
Throw your mobile 'phone in the bin, it will free you!
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I doubt it's worth the effort @Yoni.

There are guys out there who are cleverer than you and I and, if it hasn't been bid on, there's no value in it.



Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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Moved to the ‘other investment’ section, either here or the non PM section would be appropriate. 

Copper isn’t counted as a precious metal. 

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On 13/03/2023 at 18:43, Yoni said:

Wow i don’t know how they able to do it in a place like UK lol

I saw the other night a documentary on YouTube by a British guy in Ghana (Africa) and that was a nasty black smoke. Anyways the value will also decrease plus you have to work to clean for any residue of burnt plastic.


You can get wire stripping machines that would get through that lot in a more-or-less reasonable time, but I doubt it would be worth buying one just for that load. 

The Sovereign is the quintessentially British coin.  It has a German queen on the front, an Italian waiter on the back, and half of them were made in Australia.


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