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Hey guys, Iv just started collecting silver 1oz coins. Thanks for having me and happy to be here. Have a few now and looking to get some more especially Star Wars or other cool coins. Looking forward to chatting to you all. Much love, biscuitboy 

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59 minutes ago, Biscuit said:

Hey guys, Iv just started collecting silver 1oz coins. Thanks for having me and happy to be here. Have a few now and looking to get some more especially Star Wars or other cool coins. Looking forward to chatting to you all. Much love, biscuitboy 

Oh your title made me think of 'A New Hope' If you eat Hobnobs too quickly you might get indigestion and it could be 'The Hobnob Strikes Back' and if you eat a whole packet really quickly it might be 'Return Of The Hobnob.' I know, I'll get me' cloak.

Happy welcomes! :) 

15 minutes ago, CazLikesCoins said:

Oh your title made me think of 'A New Hope' If you eat Hobnobs too quickly you might get indigestion and it could be 'The Hobnob Strikes Back' and if you eat a whole packet really quickly it might be 'Return Of The Hobnob.' I know, I'll get me' cloak.

Happy welcomes! :) 

comedian, you are.... 

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

14 hours ago, CazLikesCoins said:

Oh your title made me think of 'A New Hope' If you eat Hobnobs too quickly you might get indigestion and it could be 'The Hobnob Strikes Back' and if you eat a whole packet really quickly it might be 'Return Of The Hobnob.' I know, I'll get me' cloak.

Happy welcomes! :) 

Never heard of this 'A new hope.'  As every fule kno, they only ever made 3 films - Star Wars, The Empire Strikes back and The Return of the Jedi.

The Sovereign is the quintessentially British coin.  It has a German queen on the front, an Italian waiter on the back, and half of them were made in Australia.



Thanks for the nice welcome everyone.


If anyone has any Star Wars or biscuit related 1oz silver coins let me know! 

18 minutes ago, slack said:

Not seen films I've not...

There's a camp robot, an alien that sounds like Chris Eubank on helium and a dyslexic flying midget that pokes people with his sword stick and gets his words mixed up. Fifteen films later I still don't know what's going on.

2 minutes ago, CazLikesCoins said:

There's a camp robot, an alien that sounds like Chris Eubank on helium and a dyslexic flying midget that pokes people with his sword stick and gets his words mixed up. Fifteen films later I still don't know what's going on.

Damn, when you put it like that I don’t have a clue either 🤣

8 minutes ago, CazLikesCoins said:

There's a camp robot, an alien that sounds like Chris Eubank on helium and a dyslexic flying midget that pokes people with his sword stick and gets his words mixed up. Fifteen films later I still don't know what's going on.

I played a bush in the wombles once...

8 minutes ago, slack said:

I played a bush in the wombles once...

I did a poo in the shower once, looks like we have both been through some stuff….

3 minutes ago, CazLikesCoins said:

It didn't help that I watched the films out of order, especially as they made prequels after sequels. Some characters ended up being the dads of people who were the sisters of their own lovers. Would be lovers. Kissing doesn't count but still icky in hindsight. Basically a hotpot on incense wrapped up in a saga of patricide.  

Ahh coronation Street then..

1 minute ago, slack said:

No but I got ants in my pants... bloody wombles

And Orinoco stinks...

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