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Posted (edited)

Hi, very nice bar!

I have searched their website and I can see that they started their business in 1999. So, your bar can not be older.

 "Welcome to Prospector’s Gold & Gems!

Since 1999 Prospector’s Gold and Gems has been producing highly unique hand poured gold and silver bars. Providing an alternative to identical machine pressed bullion, no two bars will ever be the same. Consisting of different shapes, bubble indentations, pour lines, and a polished satin finish, every hand poured bar will make a great addition to your precious metal stack!

Prospector’s Gold and Gems is also a leading precious metal refinery and pays top dollar for your scrap silver and gold! Scrap gold and silver is refined into .999 pure form, and is used in many of the bars you see for sale today."


 Also, I have noticed that they have for sale now only bars with weight in troy ounces, from 1oz to 10oz. I think they are selling what the US market wants: troy ozs.

So, my guess is that your kilo bar was made at the beginning and because the demand for kilo bars in US is lower than in Europe, they stopped the production after few years, continuing to produce bars in troy ounces measurements. But it is only my guess, I have not more informations about them.

Edited by stefffana
On 05/03/2023 at 06:44, Burky1325 said:

Does anyone know the age of this bar? I can't find it anywhere.


i personally would,nt let the age of the bar be of much importance because it will not make it worth significantly more than any other 1kilo silver bar imo

LFTV.  live from the vault.   Spot price is immaterial. its just an illusion.


I didn't expect the age to have any impact on the value. Part of the fun for me is to know the history of the items that I have. I guess that is the collector part of me vs stacking.


I find the stamps confusing?

it says 1 Kilo...1 Kilo what?

It says Troy Oz...how many?

And 9999 silver, for a bar?

Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.


It is strange, indeed, but it is not weird. My thought is that they were undecided how to stamp this bar to be appropriate for US market. They stamped 1kilo because this is the correct weight, also they stamped Troy oz to give the chance for buyer to punch 32.1 if his desire is to be expressed the weight in ounces.

In this picture is another bar showing the weight in kilo only, but with a very primitive font, probably one of the first kilo bars poured by them. I think your bar is a little newer, showing an evolution in their production, trying to adapt to the market's needs. As you can see, the purity stamp 9999 silver is identical with yours.


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