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Copper rounds

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I have just watched a Youtube video discussing copper rounds. I hadn't really noticed these before. Does anyone stack them or sell them?

 I have just come across this video. Does anyone stack, collect or sell them? Low priced, worth counterfeiting? Apart from ebay, where can they be purchased?

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Copper bullion: you're mostly paying for the production, marketing and sales channel, not the metal. So it's a terrible way of investing in copper. Variety of design shouldn't be a significant factor for a "stack".

Buying copper pipe/cable/etc retail: only makes sense if you have an efficient means of selling to people who want that exact pipe/cable/etc. Otherwise the inefficiency in buying a made product only to scrap it is huge.

Scrap copper at/below scrap price: maybe, if you have space for it. It'll take a lot to make a material difference to anything.

If you really want exposure to copper prices I'm guessing paper instruments will work much better. Not much advantage to holding the stuff physically IMO given that it's not very portable and if an apocalypse happens there'll be plenty of it around anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Copper is very cool and I can understand why people may want a few bricks/rounds of it as part of a collection of sorts. As a cash making idea though on an individual, non-commercial level it doesn't really pan out unless you;

-Buy a tipper-back van/small truck

-Drive around 5-7 days a week yelling "ramalabugduhANY 'OL IRONab7hdalaga", legitimately collecting and/or stealing old cable/electrical equipment etc

-Wear a dirty hi viz so you look all official and stuff

-Drop your load at the nearest weigh bridge equipped scrap yard, preferably one that isn't fussed with doing paperwork 

It is possible to make a fairly reasonable amount of cash-monies doing this, especially if you don't spend anything on vehicle maintenance, insurance etc and only pay your tag-alongs £20 a day.

Some have the bright idea of burning off insulate and the like to generate 'clean' scrap copper. This rarely works in an incinerator bin and causes severe health issues for you and your neighbours.








{I do hope this isn't taken as serious advice and/or as a scathing commentary on scrap collection specialists. Please address your complaints to my complaints address listed below if this is the case}


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